
When it comes down to it, the reason why so many alleged allies of black people get mad is because when black people don’t fumble all over themselves to heap them with praise, they don’t know how to deal with it. Their constant asking of “what can I do? how can I help? why is everything I do wrong?” is meant to

I also think it’s kind of twisted that Kanye’s selling his soul to the MAGA movement and his becoming buddies with Trump probably made it more possible for Kim to get close enough to Trump to accomplish this. So, once again, in order to get what is fair one must sell out and claim slavery was a choice. It is good she

Shut Up and be greatful isnt in line with your message. All of us are beyond thrilled she was released. We are not about to line up and lick Kim Ks ass for this. She fetishizes black men and is a culture vulture. She did a great thing but we are allowed to question her motives and lament celebrity and whiteness got

They should just refuse to confirm anyone, period. Call it the “McConnell Rule” just to rub their noses in it.

The fact that you are giving her all of the credit proves the point that no matter how hard black people work a white person who does less will get credited for more.

I could have not explained it better myself. Everything that you explained is true. One thing left out. He wants us black folk to like him.

Nothing but a photo op to be used against black people for sticking up for our right to vote, police brutality, school to prison pipeline, reduction in food stamps, increase in public housing.

 White privilege IS a bad thing. And it is wild as fuck that you don’t think that it is, but you are probably benefiting from it, and I know nothing about that life.

Only a white person would have the caucacity of feeling they deserve a well-structured, soft-tempered, logical rebuttal of their ignorant rant, when they didn’t even do the bare minimum of understanding the article they’re responding to which would have provided you the firm rebuttal of the trash you wrote before you

FFS, she didn’t do anything.

You just totally nailed it. The concept of having to ‘do a shuffle & thank massa’ is what’s really at work here. And how it still exists & how repugnant it is.

To Taziar in the greys;

There’s nothing more charming than the media assholes who were buddy-buddy with Trump laughing it up for years while decent people pointed out what a shitstain monster he was, and are now aghast at the state in which we find ourselves.

The issue at hand is that people have been advocating for Alice Marie Johnson long before Kim K. even knew her name, and it was only through her white privilege that she was able to get an audience with the President. That she did a good thing is commendable, but that she will get outsized credit for doing so is part

I’ve tried to give her anything but the side eye for this but I can’t bring myself to do it.

Why would he need porn when he has Sean Hannity to jerk off to every night at 9pm?

But you and the world must also recognize that the social order that allowed you to skip the criminal justice system’s single file line and sashay into the Oval Office is the exact same system that incarcerated Alice Marie Johnson in the first place.


Rudy Giuliani, wife cheater, striking a holier-than-thou attitude.... Could only be a Republican. Such hypocrites, such cognitive dissonance-suffering simpletons. Oh look: Trump is wife cheater too—birds of a feather.

Oh shut up, Mika and Joe. You motherfuckers don’t get cool passes when you both kissed his ass constantly in 2016