
Watching other oldheads shit over this is like watching people repeatedly share Jordan/Magic/Bird videos after Lebron has a great night on the court.

I will never forget or forgive the people that elected this baboon’s ass.

Um, the minute I heard she was staying way too long in the hospital I thought “she’s getting work done.” Butt lift? Chin? Eyes? 5000 mile all-around tightening? She’s coming up on 50, so she might be having all sorts of “kidney” trouble.

he can fuck himself, clueless moron 

Just when you thought he was done for Friday...errrrr

And here in Ireland the exit polls put the Abortion Referendum passing with roughly 68% of the vote in favour of repealing our 8th Amendment which essentially outlawed abortion while also putting the lives of women at risk seeing as even cancer treatments would be denied to a woman if she happened to be pregnant.


Yeah, and likely a death sentence. Meanwhile:

Nah. He’d sit in jail for over 2 years with a horribly overworked public defender attempting to help him without the possibility of bail. He would be referred to as a thug and animal, instead of a kid with emotional problems. After sitting in jail for over 2 years waiting for his trial, the judge wouldn’t even pretend

The takeaway: Black kid beats up someone, they’re animals, it’s their culture, they’re inherently more violent, etc. and they’re locked away

Let’s be real - if that were a black kid doing that to a white school employee, he’d already have been tried and sentenced by now.

Dostoevsky called it. If Jesus showed up at the White House, today, he’d be summarily executed.

my bible *totally censored* the part where jesus was a sh*theel lobbyist, gladhanding all the moneyhandlers. :/

“If it’s a person, and you can’t own a person

right. remember though ,
- *these fuckheads idolize the 1700's*

I’d just like to say thanks to all the women who voted for Trump, voted 3rd party, or didn’t bother vote at all. And by thanks I really mean “Fuck you with a rusty chainsaw”.

Doesn’t the idea that the fetus is ‘property’ negate the argument for life beginning at conception? If it’s a person, and you can’t own a person, you can’t it’s not anyone’s property?

No wonder he’s so popular with Christian conservatives. He was also unusual among pro-life legislators for openly saying that he wanted women to be punished if they got abortions (for destroying some man’s property). He wasn’t content with threatening doctors.

Somewhere under that post was a comment that basically said: This is white people’s shit and we need to fix it.” Damn right. You all have asked us to clean up your fucking messes since you dragged our ancestors to this land and now this Chad or Bret or whatever the fuck passes for the whitest of white boy names has

WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THE FACT THAT SPLINTER KICKED THE FUCKING LATINXS OUT? splinter was Fusion and Fusion was a space for Latinxs. Like THAT SHIT HAPPENED. and now we have gawker lite

Funny that his whole presidency the right called Obama a Jimmy Carter as an insult, now after his presidency the left is telling Obama to aspire to be Jimmy Carter.

Why not call for Bill Clinton to fix it? Or Bush 43? Or Bush 41 for that matter? Why is the black man Obama expected to be the one to step up and correct what’s wrong?