
Every single thing in their lives, probably including their kids, is for social media posts.

I call shade. I have a belief that Chrissy only puts up with Kim because of the relationship between John and Kanye. I believe that Chrissy thinks Kim is ridiculous, vapid and boring AF. I believe Kim is constantly trying to insert her self into Chrissy’s life because she is awesome and hopes it will rub off on her.

In my opinion, these sorts of flower arrangement- flower spheres, flower cubes, flower cylinders - are impractical and ugly. You can’t put them in a vase and they lack the aesthetics of a proper mixed flower arrangement. I agree that they are ridiculous, but what makes them beautiful to you?

I don’t understand the Kardashian Wests and their weird walls/giant spheres of roses. Are they enjoyable to receive? Where do you put them? How long do you have to pretend you like the unnecessary giant flower obstacle?

Do you judge books by their cover?

Spider-Man has been rebooted/recast *twice* since 2007- which is, incidentally, one year after the original Charmed series ended. The basic concept of three sisters who are witches and have to solve family mysteries persists, so it makes sense to keep the series name, if not the original characters. I’m sorry that you

Here’s another take.

The show hit the 100 episode requirement and went into syndication, so she and the others will at least be riding the residual royalties gravy train forever. 

That’s what bugs me so much about her statement. Combs is not addressing any real trend of sexism or ageism in this case, just her butthurtedness at her own lack of a paycheck, and at the expense of women of color, no less. She can take several seats here.

I think TLJ is a great example of why this is a bad argument. Almost all narrative art uses pre existing tropes and characters and influences - it’s the playing on, updating, and twisting of them without overattachment to faithful replication that usually leads to new and interesting things. Sometimes you have to risk

It seems like you’re comparing eight years of something to five minutes of something, which of course won’t hold up. I wasn’t a super fan of the original but saw plenty of episodes and ads - it was pretty straightforwardly dramatic. My guess would be if you went back and viewed the original promos for the original

accepting for the moment that somehow there are people who feel fanatical loyalty to the original Charmed- CHARMED, for chrissakes- surely we can untangle (1) the issue of older white actresses wanting to keep getting cast in properties that have already paid them a good 8 years of salary from (2) the issue of young

here’s a tip: nobody cares.

... The three sisters are played by Melonie Diaz (34), Sarah Jeffery (22), and Madeleine Mantock (28). Sorry that they look too young to you I guess?

Because preserving its whiteness would have meant a well-paying job for Holly.

I don’t think that’s a “good point about reboot culture.” Plenty of TV reboots (Roseanne, Murphy Brown, Will and Grace, Fuller House, Gilmore Girls, the list goes on) feature female-led casts with the original players intact.

I felt the same way. But charmed appealed to me when I was a tween. I suspect that’s the same audience they’re looking for now, and it’s just not for me.

What’s odd about all of this is:

We just putting the word “culture” behind any ol’ damn thing now huh? I guess.

In what way does putting Latina women in it “sully” it? I understand why the actress must find it frustrating that she doesn’t have a full time job with the show, but the ads so far look of exactly the same writing quality and vibe of the original show, they don’t insult the original show in any way, and it is totally