
This, 100% this. Please, God, this. Somebody tell Rafi, too.

Fuck Kim K for preying on the weaknesses and insecurities of women to turn a buck. And fuck Instagram for allowing this shit to take place. I’m so over it. I work in a woman-heavy team, and there’s so much diet talk that goes on - it’s depressing. Unicorn Water, shakes, protein bars, now these fuckin’ things... I’m so

There’s still a way to report this news: “Some dumb kid with a bad haircut killed 10 (+?) interesting people today. Let’s mourn the loss of them now...”

“the Russian troll factory and 4chan were already spreading conspiracy theories and creating social media account saying he was a Clinton supporter and part of antifa”

I agree with you historically, and it doesn’t seem like anyone talks about Greece anymore, but back when it’s financial crisis was front page news, I seem to remember their Neo-Nazi political movement picking up steam.

See the current mess in Israel for the revelation that history doesn’t seem to teach anybody one fucking thing . . . The Israelis are now the fascists.

And of course right after the suspect was identified the Russian troll factory and 4chan were already spreading conspiracy theories and creating social media account saying he was a Clinton supporter and part of antifa.

Now playing

Showing pictures and talking about the life of the shooter doesn’t help. It just glamorizes it. Why do this?

No. He could have married Camilla but didn’t so she married someone else. Then there was the divorce issue. So he always intended to just use Camilla as his mistress. Because he’s an asshole.

My guess is that her mother didn’t want to do it - so far it appears that she is a woman who does not court nor welcome press attention (who could blame her). Meghan is quite used to being leered at/ scrutinized by the general public. Her mother is not.

I fell in love with John Cena when he played Not My Job on Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Me like 10 years ago. Peter Sagal was running through a litany of his B (C? D?) movies and joked about how they were all about teaching bad guys a lesson. “John Cena brings his syllabus of pain,” Peter joked in a put-on movie-announcer

I find the Diana martyrdom to be incredibly annoying. But he began having his affair long before she started doing the same.

Also, like, that’s Harry’s dad. He probably loves him, regardless of his parent’s divorce. I know they’re royals and stiff upper lip and all that, but there’s solid evidence that Charles was a caring father in private.

Like Meghan, I’m the youngest, and my older siblings didn’t give a crap about my major life events and don’t really know me very well. They were into themselves because that’s where my parent’s focus was.

I bet she wanted to do it alone and this was the compromise QE2 was willing to go with

Well, the Wedding Aisle Solution sounds like a decent Attempt at Compromise between Traditional and Modern.

How the heck do people think Bill Gates/Elon Musk are weird when Steve Jobs decided to wear a black turtleneck everyday, become a fruit vegan and was always washing his feet in the office toilet?

At the end of the video, Gates notes that Melinda wasn’t keen on the lecherous creep’s attention to their daughter’s appearance. It seems like a throwaway remark, but there’s something brilliantly contemptuous in the tone and timing.

Uh this is like one of the least surprising reproductive healthcare fails of the republican party. Like way worse than mixing up two similar disease names.

I see Jeb! only thinks men can have ambitions.