
It’s hard to know stuff when you’re busy quietly settling out of court with the multitudes of men you’ve sexually harassed and/or blackmailed.

As someone who actually works in the photo industry (and has been doing so for over 30 years), I can tell you that a model certainly can receive royalties for images in which they appear (and many do). While they may more typically be referred to as “residuals” (just like actors get from TV shows in syndication), they

Amen, brother. Got to strap a gun to your hip and defend the nation against those dangerous dishwashers; against bright children keening for higher education; against the people who are, at this very moment, fixing your plumbing, tending your garden, and painting your home.

IDK. I think I spent more time as a kid dreaming about being a flower girl then I ever have spent dreaming about being a bride.

I don’t know what caused Meagan to fall out with her family but I wouldn’t be inviting any of these drama queens to my wedding either. They seem exhausting. I don’t care if she’s the biggest bitch on the planet, family is family and you don’t snitch on family to the press or the public.

I think they’re inviting some adorable trouble with the two and three year old (besides Charlotte, she’s perfection,) but the others are just old enough to be both cute and competent given the substantial preparation and rehearsals I’m sure are happening.

So, Ryan Seacrest?


Do you ever read comments on some of those blogs or bling gossip sites? Yes some people do. A lot of people really hate Meghan and will jump on anything demonize her. It’s scary how people with no stakes are still getting riled up about a WOC joining the royal family.

You know, I wish that her family wasn’t trying as hard as they could to be tackier than our president. Like I feel so bad for her, bc god knows that she has a tough road to walk trying to gain acceptance in that world, and they are just being as fcking low rent as possible. I’ve dated above my socio-economic class,

But I agree that Meghan is a more accessible choice to normalize it. Since there is no taint of adultery.

The crazy thing is that without the “no divorce” rule, the Nazis likely would have won WWII, and the monarchy would have collapsed. There’s no point to this comment, it just freaks me out to think about.

Meg and I do not have a relationship now.

Charles, who is next in line to be king, is married to Camilla Parker Bowles, a divorcee. Of course, had the stupid prohibition on divorce not been an issue he would have been married to her the whole time. But, still, that’s a pretty big sledgehammer to that tradition.

Meghan’s sister is the WORST.

Remeber when Julianne Hough thought this was OK?

I truly hope that there is a particularly nasty and painful corner of Hell reserved for people who deliberately harm children

Word to Jewish Israelis: tRump and his Evangelical pals actually do not give a rip about you or your country or your religion. They merely want to use you as a pawn toward their weird rapture goals. As you’re not “saved” (along with Catholics - no matter how much they’ve helped in the “pro-life” death march), you

Yeah but who cares about a few million brown Muslims. I mean you have to remember that the land was “promised to the Jews by God”. Gotta make up for the Jewish Holocaust before the Messiah returns and if non-Jewish, non-Christian blood is spilt in the process well then that’s just the will of God. Also, other than the

Never change, Bella. The femme fatale thing is working for you.