
Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news and is impatient to halt the “witch hunt” that he says undermines his legitimacy as president.

This is nothing new and not restricted to the Russia Probe. In his recent book Michael Wolff described how in meetings Trump would recycle the same set of stories, observations, complaints, and concerns every 15 minutes or so. If you are in a lengthy meeting with Trump you sit there grimly nodding and waiting for the

If my comment depresses you, then I think you are the one who needs to go to therapy. Such an outsized emotional response to a comment regarding the meaning of a term? A term which anyone with a passing understanding of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict would recognise and should be able to discuss without being

Israel has its boots firmly on the neck of the Palestinian people, especially in Jerusalem. An attack is extremely unlikely.

Yeah, if the author doesn’t know the Nakba refers to the ethnic cleansing of an estimated 800,000 Palestinians alongside a systematic, co-ordinated campaign of terrorism and massacres targeting the civilian Palestinian population, maybe she shouldn’t be writing articles about Israel/Palestine.

It might have been worth it if this War on Drugs had actually been catching drug dealers. Instead the system, as it always does, went for the easy glory in the form of drug posession arrests. Now we have millions with records for having only enough drugs for personal use, jails filled to the gills with people who

So,lemme get this right:

What in the actual hell is this even supposed to be?

That painting is fucking insane.

So the story is that an elderly man repeats himself constantly?

Wait. What about the original comment requires getting a job or going to therapy?

Jared and Don Jr. are definitely being set up to be the fall guys. Jared is “disposable” and Don Jr. seems like an insecure little asshole desperate for his father’s love and approval. I see him taking one for the team in an effort to finally make his father love and acknowledge him.

This seems a good a place as any to go on my drunken rant.

What they have in Israel though is Bibi’s full support for this idiocy, which means they’ll have IDF/Mossad/etc. backup, if only quasi-officially.

Well... Rob Lowe is extremely lucky that his sex tape with 16-year-olds when he was an adult made news 30 years before the MeToo movement.

Palestinians are calling it“Nakba day,” or, “catastrophe day,” the Guardian reports.

One of the things that’s irksome about the Azealia situation is that as long as she saved her nastiness for other pretty, popular WOC who people wanted to see taken down a peg, there were liberals who were willing to laugh off her bad behavior and praise her as a realist. It was only when her toxicity started to

She smiles like she has an arm between her teeth and she’s trying to tear it off.

Jezebel, where it’s the fault of white people that Azalea Banks is an asshole to anyone more famous than her.

well, Azealia had nothing but praise for that elevated conversation and Beyonce after Lemonade: