
This Obama-era policy was a patch job in a grossly inhumane carceral industry desperately in need of reform, for ridiculously vulnerable population of people (yes believe it or not, people with dicks can be “vulnerable” too - even moreso than those of us born with vaginas. Funny how that works). In reality, the

These both sides arguments are always bullshit. Either you are for social justice for everyone or you aren’t, none of this half-assed shit. Transwomen are women and are in danger when they are placed in male facilities. Because no other facility exists to house them (not that there should be because e have seen what

I don’t even have words anymore for these depraved bigots.

“I, a natural-born woman with a completely normal level of empathy and no internalized misogyny, am perfectly comfortable with putting another woman in harms way, in a fucking mens prison where she will be humiliated and degraded every day and *actually* suffer injuries when she is forced to use the bathroom and

“Should we give them an escort to St. Johns?”

She wasn’t a single mom. She didn’t get divorced until 2011...

He’s a fifteen year-old kid riding an ATV. He shouldn’t have been ticketed or arrested. The police could’ve stopped him and told him to get off the street and moved on. Maybe followed him home to make sure he didn’t put any cars/pedestrians in danger on the way. That’s it.

Any normal civilian kills a 15 year old child and society and the justice system pulls out all the stops and throws the book at the offender - but when a police officer, who’s trained, armed, armored, is supposed to know better, riding along with another police officer, straight up maims and kills a kid, it’s just

Or impossible to turn them off. (Assuming they’re in working order and haven’t been tampered with.)

Did they both go to the same drunk, blind plastic surgeon?

Every cop that willfully turned off their body camera should be charged with obstruction of justice.. or something.. They need to make it ILLEGAL for an officer to ever turn off their fucking cameras, otherwise what is the goddamn point of them.

If this had been a white kid who shot and murdered 9 people in a church, they wouldn’t have summarily executed him, they would have fetched him some free Burger King when he got hungry.

I saw this video yesterday and rage has been bubbling up in me ever since. Besides the obvious disgusting behaviour that led to Damon being killed, what is possibly even worse - and that’s saying a lot - is the (lack of) treatment he received afterward. Just a bunch of vampires lurking around a still warm body they

TMZ reports that Rihanna’s stalker Leon explained to the police that he was there to have sex with her.

TMZ reports that Rihanna’s stalker Leon explained to the police that he was there to have sex with her.

They treated that child like he murdered people in a high school or a, wait.

I’ll say it once ‘cause maybe you’re not as dumb as you sound.

White liberal millenials are the worst. “Oh, minorities, LGBT, immigrants, Muslims, and LGBT are going to continue to suffer greatly? But I don’t feeeeel like voting for the alternative. Actually doing something? That’s no fun.”

I so cannot with the Orange Occupant

They have not finished the peace talks yet.