
It’s something a grade eighter would do, which I guess sounds about right for Andy. Wasn’t everyone at this party stoned?

People that reveal they were stoned while attending a party are assholes.

I’m still fuming about the way Merrick Garland was treated and how the (R)s stole a seat that rightfully belonged to Obama. How much do you want to bet that should a Justice die or retire in 2019 or early 2020 Mitch won’t hesitate to rush a Trump appointee through? McConnell can burn in Hell. The Senate is a long shot

Dude. Whose word are you taking that these school cops “followed protocol?”

I agreed with it, and it seemed genuine:

Since when do cops check ID’s for the person that called them?

As other people have noted, this woman opened her apartment and gave them her ID. That they had to “verify” her ID is crazy. I would love to know how many occasions they have had when someone living in the building was actually a fake student with a fake ID. This is just stupid and racist and embarrassing as shit.

Where have we seen this grift before?

I’ve been hearing that “protocol” trash for a couple of decades in New Haven. I hope they checked everybody’s ID, and not just the black girl’s. You know, since there was a disturbance and all. *smh*

The fact that white people look at this scenario and think the cops did the right thing by checking this woman’s papers is the actual entire problem.

18% of people marry interracially. According to the chart, 18% of black people marry interracially.

Which is a huge problem. People calling the police because (black=suspicious) and never facing consequences. They reinforce racism. They create potentially dangerous situations. They waste the time of police officers and are harassing people. And there are never any consequences.

Isn’t it in the same state where another Becky McWhitetears basically tried to kill her roommate with biohazards and only got a slap on the wrist and nothing on her permanent record?

And this isn’t even the first time! Terrorizing fellow students and wasting the time of the police (this ranks so very low on my list of priorities, but if there were ever to be consequences for her bleached ass, this would be the deciding factor I’m sure) demonstrating clearly that she is a disrupting factor on

And yet Becky McWhitetears will face no consequences from the university or police.

You fled the US when you found out you would be sentenced for the sexual assault of a minor. Don’t you dare bitch about the law, you unrepentant rapist.

That was actually pretty calm and reasonable for Alec Baldwin. Low bar, I know. But still not very different from what a lot of commenters here were saying here when the story broke.

You missed a bombshell of a story: