
Is it possible that a closer understanding of their spouse/partner’s experience better enables them to see the starkness of contrast between the black and white experience in America? Like a “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” level of understanding?

I am so happy that a man who got 2.86 million LESS votes kept his ill advised campaign promise to that minority of American electorate that voted for him.

I know that the peaceful exchange of power is imperative and we need to organize for the mid-terms and 2020 to fix this shit, but if Obama attempted a violent coup, I’d totally join the resistance at this point.

People keep referencing that he has said something terrible about black women without actually stating what that is. Is it that he said Black women weren’t really feeling him when he was younger? Because depending on what environment you have grown up in this does happen. I don’t really get why people are shocked by

I agree that those aren’t burpees- BUT, can you do 1,490 of what she just did in an hour? No? Then she didn’t game her way in.

She didn’t ‘slide in.’ She read Guiness’s requirements and followed them and broke their record. Ta da.

I hope that the Europeans stay in the deal. Let the whole world see how irrelevant the US has become under this president.

Well, a “world record” according to one publication that exists to sell beer and settle bar bets. I mean, we keep referring to this thing as if it’s some sort of actual organization that means anything and it doesn’t. They choose the criteria and they choose whether or not to send somebody to verify and they choose

“ I don’t actually think that a black female creative with a nonblack partner would even consider dampening her message for the sake of her partner’s feelings. Maybe it’s because most of the black women I know seem so steadfast in their resolve and dedication to blackness that a partner more or less has to fit into

Trump’s going to start a war because that black guy who was president is still more popular than he is and he can’t stand it. Thank god we didn’t go with that dangerous email lady.

They were in compliance with a treaty that was ratified through our congress. If our negotiations with other countries can be shit canned by each new administration, regardless of compliance, why should any country take us at our word?

Come on, how was Trump meant to avoid the temptation of a psychotic ethno-nationalist armed with a “my summer holiday” level powerpoint presentation?

And some of gettin’ out of the grey.

As they say, democracy is the theory that the people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

I would assume this will prematurely end all talks with Big Boy Kim, as no one will now trust a country who can’t promise an agreement will last more than one administration. Cool.

Burpees mean nothing. Why don’t people use all this energy on useful things, like loading hay or stacking canned food or pelting the vice presidential motorcade with eggs?

I’m amazed by the people in the grays pointing out that it’s not a “real burpee”.

As I read the article, I started to wonder how the relationship would be on the other foot. If Donald Glover were Donna Glover and she had a white husband. I then thought about how I’d feel and what I’d do. Then I finished your article and you summed up exactly my thought. I don’t know too many black women that would

If you’re light skinded

He didn’t kill Rose because she was liking it! Because him becoming a murderer was another way she would win. So he decides to stop right before we hear the sirens.