
Seriously. Owning slaves was a choice. Any one of those slave masters could have chosen to set their slaves free because it was the right thing to do. And the US Founding Fathers could have chosen to end slavery when they were writing the Constitution. The topic was extensively discussed. But they chose to continue,

Oddly, Jeremy Corbyn was also available for this.

While I certainly do not particularly appreciate him on a political level, and have mighty conflicted feelings toward him on a human level, I truly wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on my worst enemy. Between that and bone cancer, I’d rank it in the absolute peak of worst ways to semi-naturally pass, and living with it (as

I agree with approximately zero of this man’s policies. I thought his inflicting Sarah Palin on all of us was one of the worst political blunders of the last fifty years. I vigorously campaigned against him, and would do so still. But now that we have seen the depths of GOP hypocrisy, and the absolute vacuum of

Interesting how often “turmoil of the soul” is justification for men abusing women in service of “art.”

This fucker followed a five-year-old child home from school. No amount of “literary genius” excuses that behavior, and to brush that off as if this indicated Wallace was mired in turmoil is gross.

What Rude Negro said.

*jerking-off motion*

I bet you could count on one hand the number of male literary idols who were not abusive assholes.

DFW intensely loved dogs, and his harassing, stalking and threatening women with violence made him a really fascinating guy and great writer. Got it.

Why would an asshole shit talk someone for doing anal?

Love a porn star using “twat” as an insult

It doesn’t cut deep enough. Roseanne already has a lot of experience responding to those type of insults. You want to get under their skin from a truly vulnerable spot.

Thank you for writing this. Some commenters on Jez (sigh) were pearl clutching that his misogyny was “lumped in” with a sexual assault accusation, as if one diluted the severity of the other. But it’s all tied together: you can’t talk about rape, without talking about rape culture. You can’t talk about sexual assault

If Roseanne can slut shame others, can we fat shame her?

Now playing

Rosanne Bar is not a republican or a patriot. She is a rich celebrity making money off of ignorant right wing people. Just like trump. Two peas in a pod.

This article has really opened my eyes to my own male privellage. I never knew how ingrained misogyny was in my culture. ( im dominicano and boricua) i agree that we definitely need to look within ourselves for healing. But as a man of color i also need to realize that despite being a man of color the fact that im a

Oh shit, I forgot that Jim Brown is a committed woman beater. Fuck him too. So a bunch of men who either abuse or disrespect Black women. Ok.

What does an ex-boxer/convicted lispy rapist have to say about anything that anyone should listen to? Why would an old guy who used to play football be able to speak for Black America in any way? Wtf. How insulting.

Kanye would fold like a cheap tent. Because as his interaction with the TMZ guy showed, Kanye only talks shit because there’s nobody around to tell him to sit his ass down.