
It’s not like the bottle sends a message that says, “Girls, your body is all that’s important to the point where we’ll actually remove anything else that could lead to accomplishment — legs for sports, hands for art or trades, head for intellect. What’s left is all you should think about if you want to be like me.”

It probably smells like a teen prostitute. And I’m so annoyed at her stupid bottle. What a blatant rip off of Jean Paul Gaultier.

I did, too. When Jean Paul Gaultier did it years ago.

How many times can you type “smells like something I’d like as teen” before you realize that’s the market they’re going for?

So it’s the women’s equivalent of axe?

Nah. I’m bipolar and I’ve never crowed that the Holocaust was a two-way street.

I listened to a three hour long interview/podcast thing going through each of his albums and discussing what’s so great about various tracks.

Well, given that Puma aligned with Rihanna the choice is obvious, right?

Correct, a boycott would feed straight into the current Right’s persecution complex too though watching Trump try to cash in on it by ‘dancing’ to a Kanye song would be epic.

With Kanye you shouldn’t call it a boycott. That will just feed into his persecution complex. For Kanye I really like the “mute” wording. I’m not boycotting you. I’ve just forgotten you exist completely.

DUDE boycotts tho 🙌 bring em back! They work! Not only Kanye West (but yes, him for sure), we should be boycotting corporations that actively invest in the prison system, hinder the environment, and only take our money at the end of the day....boycott it all!

I’m not super surprised. Doesn’t Adidas basically still use slaves/child labor? Kanye sounds like he’s still on-brand for them.

Not playing his music, and not discussing him no matter what he says or does is about the only boycott that would work. He (and the Kardashians) feed off attention, any kind of attention. Any protest, or response to his behavior will be, ultimately, beneficial to him. I know way too many people who ‘hate watch’ the

Kanye, did you learn nothing from Omarosa, hmmmm..? Bye Felicia.

Here are a couple of interviews with Neko Case:

Adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted told Bloomberg on Thursday saying the company would do no such thing. “Kanye has been and is a very important part of our strategy and has been a fantastic creator.”

Don’t be mistaken. Those letters went to ICE.

God, I hate that I can actually see this as a possibility... or reading them with a mocking accent and making crude jokes about whatever country they came from.

I know it sounds absurd, but Trump is so much a jackass, so spiteful and childish, that it’s almost a given he will use those letters in private as napkins or toilet paper, purposefully,probably calling people in his inner circle to watch, as the kind of “joke” a psychopath plays, while laughing like an imbecile.

Stephen Miller will no doubt use the letters to line his viper pit.