
I don’t understand the negative tone of this article. This woman got death threats, was investigated by the government, and had her career greatly curtailed for this one stunt. All of this backlash happened, and it was over the top. Why is she wrong and somehow dishonest for initially apologizing and then being like,

Because she’s basically a frumpy, middle-aged, midwestern woman. She’s not glamorous enough to deserve consideration.

According to Griffin, she also experienced death threats, an interrogation by the Secret Service, a federal investigation that she says cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills, and temporary placement on a no-fly list.

Rich, what’s the point of this article? Trying to take down a successful (?) woman because reasons?

The later seasons took a dive, but I think the first few seasons were great.

Why? She’s the one chasing a laser beam while SB is just sitting there wearing her out.

True, but you know the community cancels Black women in a nanosecond yet problematic Black men get all the chances in the world to act a fool.

Trump leaked those fucking questions, or his lawyers did it on his orders. You can take that to the bank. He did it because he knew they would gin up further outrage in his base and discredit the investigation just by being out there.

How many Pulitzers did Run DMC win?

“He’s sorta right though..” Dude, you’ve go t a twisted sense of humor... You’re joking, right?

I love the armchair, “Kanye is having a breakdown”, “Kanye needs a therapist to work through his issues”, or “Kanye is a misunderstood genius” bullshit.

This fucking guy could spend all day doing cocaine in a Ferrari and eating lobster bisque out of a dinosaur skull and instead he’s watching Paul Jospeh Watson and Dilbertguy videos. What the fuck.

A kidnapped person doesn’t choose wether or not to stay.

“I actually don’t think you’re thinking anything,” Van said. “I think that what you’re doing right now is the absence of thought.” THIS. THIS. THIS. 

wut? is this sarcasm? black panther movie wouldn’t exist without this movie, it was what every marvel film has been leading to, going back to the original iron man movie. black panther doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it is part of the larger universe. why not see another movie with black panther in it?

The idea this movie is some kind of attempt to “steal Black Panther’s thunder” is incomprehensible to me. They’re in the same universe. Black Panther is in the movie, as are a gazillion of the characters that have had solo films. It’s an ensemble movie, and the culmination of a decade of buildup. It’s very different

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I was just re-watching Representative Jayapal shut down some of those paranoia-ridden rants about immigrants:

He never flew under the radar though. If it wasn’t marrying Aaliyah when she was 14 or Jim DeRogatis exposing him in 2000, the dude had a legit trial for this.

Jane was not his equal.