
Because, you fucking bastard, these were children who where brought over. Children that had no say in breaking your shit laws. If you cannot understand that deep inside your pathetic, miserable soul, call it a day and choke on a dick, bitch.

It’s actually brilliant.

Awww, aren’t you quaint!

So, my Peruvian mother who was undocumented for 6 years before we were finally able to get our papers, also voted for Trump. This woman brought her two small children and I knew, as a 6 year old, that I was an Illegal and I was scared constantly whenever my school asked for my social security number. This was

How about feeling nothing. Just shrugging it off. No thinkpieces, no hash tags, but instead simply not giving a single fuck.

Two Chinese tourists got in trouble a few days ago in Berlin.

I can be a pretty pugnacious person, but the first time I was groped (some guy just reached over and grabbed my tit) while several of us were in a darkroom developing film, I completely froze. I questioned if it really happened. Everyone was stunned and no one said anything. I chose to just ignore it ever happened

Or Cuban-Americans.

The embodiment of White Anxiety we are all supposed to try to feel for and understand. Fuck him.



No, mostly you.

Calm your tits, Fat Slut.

You had to embrace the crazy or just go home. Lafayette was the heart and soul of that show.

Wait. Wait. Who. What. Why are people hating Brendan Fraser?

In fairness to Rooney, so many actors win Oscars using that similar tactic. Bale, Damon, McConaughey and so on.

Some things, when read, just stick to you. I love all his movies, but David Fincher is a big weirdo.

I will just leave this here

Now playing

I was late and posted the same thing before seeing this. My immediate reaction to her claim was indignation.

Now playing

Um, Excuse YOU. Sookie did it first and best. Edit Oops, I was late. Someone else posted this first.