
May I also recommend Greece? I am married to a Greek and we visit once a year. It is truly a beautiful country that could greatly benefit from your money.

Ronaldo actually used a surrogate.

Because expressing any skepticism about her claim would be seen as anti-feminist. Because calling her names, say a vapid bimbo would brand one a hypocrite, as it is exactly the “vapid bimbo” who should be believed in a situation such as this. It is the same value system that gets people to call Kim K the new face of

I, for one, commend PresIdent Trump for showing great restraint and NOT asking that toots to sit on his lap.

His name is Hassan Jameel. Saudi Billionaire and fine af.

Bunch of Lesbian Shitasses ‘round these parts.

Yes, defend the man who made one film in a span of 40 years starring a black cast because some dumb white actress should have said never instead of rarely, obviously rendering her whole argument invalid. Because Logic.

I get a very Big Bird in drag vibe from her.

No need to advertise the shit of a person you are. I’m sure plenty fo people know already.

You sorry piece of shit.

As a fellow gray, I feel I can say this.

Steve was an idiot.

Catherine Hardwicke was replaced after directing Twilight, Sam Taylor-Johnson after 50 Shades. Both acclaimed directors taking the scraps and turning them ino money makers. And shameful confession, for what they were, I enjoyed them both. Something tells me this won’t happen to Patty. Admittedly, WM is a much better

I will always have respect for that man because of the way he stood up to Bill Maher and Sam Harris.

Been preparing for 2 week trip to Greece. Gave my apartment a good cleaning just so that we’ll have a clean one to return to. Washed lots of laundry. Lost those 2 kilos that had crept up on me.

I have been fortunate enought to live in differest coluntries in my life and because of my experiences, I have to ask: when do Americans start to revolt?

The Saint. Val Kilmer.

Um, that party sounds amazing. I can’t think of anyone more harmless than Chris Martin, so I do not get the snark.

NO. President Obama signed an amendment to the Visa Waiver Program, a law that allows citizens of 38 countries to travel to the United States without obtaining visas (and gives Americans reciprocal privileges in those countries). The amendment removed from the Visa Waiver Program dual nationals who were citizens of