
35. Stop lying.

Radar never states it is an actor. Some think it is a director/producer.

Radar does not specify whether it is an actor...rumor is that it is a very famous director/producer.

I have heard that it is Lucas. But purely from gossip sites and forums.

After spending seven years living in Peru, Brazil, and Ecuador, there is not much I will believe coming from these cops.


Thanks for posting this. She seems like a sweet girl.

This is what happens when you put a youtuber on television.

For people that were around, yes, it is different. Also, please won’t someone bring back the ban hammer. That was awesome.

Say the people who rely heavily on the continual stream of projectile vomit that is ALL of this.

Speaks more of the ever increasing idiocy of the people than anything else.

Sure, Kim.

My prediction is that she is sooooo trolling all of our asses and we deserve it for being such salty ass bitches. I am thinking is is part of a possible new album.

ffs what the fuck is wrong with some people. And I am sure all these assholes were definitely 10s. What right do these pieces of shit have to judge you and how deluded are they to think they even have the right to say this to a stranger. I am truly sorry you has these experiences. I got a nose job to thin the tip of

He’s not wrong

They are anti vaxxers, too. Surprising I KNOW.

I’m feeling all Mad King today. BURN THEM ALL. And that kid, holy shit that kid is amazing.

Because at least you get a clear answer and can move the fuck on.

Peruvian by birth, here. This shit is just plain stupid and most of us from here know it.