
The Vegan community on YouTube is absolutely insane. Cult-like, really. Not surprisingly also anti vaccines as well as birth control. Oh and they preach about not having children as something a true began would do. I just can’t deal with them at all.

Coal maybe?

Such beautiful women chasing after that ugly ass buttface. His dick better be made of gold.

It is pretty darn ugly. I do not mind what they choose to protest, just happy they are. Hopefully, and when something truly big happens, as we have seen lately with BLM and anti Trump protests, they will be just as willing to do so.

It is such a good book! Highly recommend it.

I’m guessing they were going for something along the lines of what Nell Irvin Painter explored in The History of White People (which is a great read)

My mom uses bay leaves in lots of dishes—stews, soups, pasta sauces. Definitely makes a difference.

She has always been iffy for me. Her comments about rape a few years ago did her no favors. I always side eye her and Kate Winslet.

I posted this, too. The reason being that this is the first picture that comes up on google when you search for Michael Jackson 2001. I still go with generic Kpop member should be pissed.

Considering that this is Jackson in 2001

Oh yes, I know. I am in Germany, married to a Greek. I know very well of the stereotypes we all hold near and dear of each other.

Right, but Hungary is classified as being part of eastern Europe by the UN. Therefore, my surprise.

I see. Thanks for providing your take. I always just went by the UN classification and never really thought anything more of it.

How anyone can justify her actions depends on a very specific attitude in which the refugees are seen as hordes leading an invasion. This is something I hear over and over from that camp. It is a very twisted and sick logic, but it is popular. But the father holding his child has managedt o rebuild a very nice life in

Oh my god, have we worked with the same people? I say this in jest, but it truly does sound exactly like the stuff I heard from them. Also: to my surprise, they really hate being referred to as east european, they will swear up and down they are central europeans. I have no idea why they find it almost akin to a slur.

I have met several Hungarians because of my work and I have to say, I am not too surprised. They also seem to particularly find jokes about Jews getting gassed in the oven to just be the tits. Sorry to any Hungarians on here, I am sure there are lovely people in your country, but this particular group —engineers, I

Won’t someone please give you a cookie.

Hmmm so a few days ago tabloids report Kendall Jenner is a lesbian and about to come out and now this. How subtle.