
he’s the male Alicia Keys

“You literally look like Rob paid for you,” says Khloé.

Because we have a constitutional right to assemble. Even if the group assembled is human waste, it’s constitutionally protected.

The First Amendment. We don’t outlaw speech, only actions (generally). So you can mostly say what you want, you just can’t act on some of it.

Because of the constitutionally-protected rights to free speech and free association.

Oh sure, but Black Lives Matter isn’t? This is racism pure and simple. Everyone knows that it’s only bad when white people do it. BLM is funded by George Soros the Puppet Master so of course everyone just bows down to them.

That absence could stem from the fact that these kids are literally absent from the world they’re commenting on.

And the privilege! Not one iota of self-awareness about the fact that they’re able to spend their days talking nonsense while the rest of us actually live in and around the “true society” she’s talking shit about.

The cool thing about me is that there’s nothing cool about me.

I mean, I don't even have a TV, me and the wife cut the cord years ago, you should do it, it's so fantastic.

It can sometimes feel like a pretty lonely road. But Aaron Sorkin has this quote—I’m a pretty big Sorkin fan—

I know way too many people like this.

I totally understand what you mean. I’m the kind of person who listens to NPR instead of Top 40, you know?

... I wish I knew who was being read here...

Hey! She’s a Scientologist just like daddy. Her thetan level is probably over 50000. She knows the answers.

Read the whole thing here.

I think he’s indirectly referring to Kaepernick being 1/2 white and growing up in a privileged environment.

We can all appreciate Harrison’s thinking that Kaepernick is white. After all, the dude is named “Colin”.