Casino Queen

Its anti-terrorist rhetoric, not anti-muslim rhetoric. Unfortunately, when muslim terrorists are in the news EVERY SINGLE DAY killing people, and ISIS leadership publicly, loudly, encourages more of the same, this is what you get.

Why don’t we see more muslims standing up to denounce these terrorist assholes? Why

Like those college kids who needed a safe space after seeing “Trump” chalked on the sidewalk.

but is the backdoor still open for business?

Gawker’s death rattle is getting a little louder.....

“Wall-to-Wall carpeting” evokes images of 70's porn stars....male and female.

A few of them look doable.

“No Women Directors” seems to be working just fine, thanks.


Alternatively, the more one understands the world, the less inclined they are to submit to elitism.

The story this data tells is clear: the less experience you have in the real world, the more you support the EU. Interesting.

The other (winning) half of the country feels the same about you.

I thought Gawker was against third-party funding of efforts to destroy others?

He’s not guilty of the charges levied by the AG and her office. Nobody believes he’s innocent.

careful what you wish for...this is Jezebel after all.

I guess those still in retail can think this through from home then, as Amazon and other online retailers eat their lunch. The only thing they won was a slightly quicker demise of Macy’s.

Wanna make a quick $20? Buy this purse from me at Macy’s. See me on the 15th of the month to collect your cash. Return the purse on the 16th.

And how would I know what size to order from Amazon Prime?

Think this through. Variable compensation structures are meant to align employee behavior and corporate goals. The corporation didn’t recognize one penny from the sale. They did not move inventory. Given that the return and the merchandise had to be handled during the return process, and restocked, and re-accounted

Because women aren’t capable combat soldiers? How can they then be capable law enforcement officers? Fire fighters?

Come at me, bro!