
Oh the irony.

Much deserved?

Damn, looks like she took it down. I feel robbed of all the hilarious responses :(

Since your life can probably be boiled down to deadspin comments section (not counting your undercover detective work, which is probably confidential), I can’t blame you for your conclusion. Please, don’t stop bringing to this world (or at least comment sections) positivity, healthy social interactions, and hard

Wow, big burn! I suppose your life can probably be boiled down to deadspin comment sections (not counting your career as a detective, which is probably confidential), so I can’t blame you for your conclusion. Keep bringing smiles, positivity, and healthy social interaction to the world, along with hard hitting



1. Quit whining, fag. 2. I think your Euchre people have appropriated black Spades culture. 3. Euchre is for simpletons. How lame Euchre trash talk must be.

You must be kidding. Euchre is about as uncomplicated as it gets. 90% of moves are dictated by the (at most five!) cards in your hand.

I absolutely love this series. I didn’t notice the ‘lame-ass white people’ premise. Do you have a small penis?

I’m relieved their music is shit as far as I can tell so I don’t have to worry about spending time listening to it.

Uh, is it true? The truth isn’t always fair and balanced.

Just keeps running on and on...

Now playing

You apparently missed this good take then:

The fist bump didn’t exist back then #truth’ed


I had the feeling she was more emotionally wobbled than anything else.

So you’re for political correctness? Fuck you.

The guy in the car is a true hero: in spite of all the drama, he still used his turn signal (there at the end).

Hmm, I missed the part where sulkamania said anyone should remain silent. For orientation that was after the part where he was told to remain silent.