
Thank you

Sad to see another regressive take here on Deadspin/Gawker. If he had said Black Lives Matter, would it have been racist? (The upside is not coming hear and reading this bullshit will save me a fair amount of time...I guess to sit around and be a racist bigot. Yipee!)

I never thought I’d stay alive long enough to make it to 1984, but here we are.

Evidence needed.

Good. Also, that bull is clearly a racist bigot.

+1 “thunders”

You could, but it’d be really bland to do so.

Hey you big asshole, what are you doing stating what appears to be a fact without even condemning her. You’re such a meany! And somebody dare you!

They clearly don’t have a monopoly on ignorant fucktards.

Yes, everyone who voted to leave, over 50%, is by definition stupid. Thank you for your amazing analysis.



Christ, so many regressive fags here in the comments. Blame whitey! Blame men! I’m a victim!

It’s ambiguous.

Yeah, why didn’t somebody tell him to make a 3 or two?

Define best team.

You show your ignorance. You can get way more rice in the bowl. Who’s the pussy now?

Don’t worry, he’s only getting shit on by people people that could’ve done better. I guess the NBA team they’re on just didn’t make it to the Finals.

That’s cold.

Oh the irony.