
YAS!!! One million ⭐ for you!!

Was the best for sure. I love all those alternative programs, and thankfully there are quite a few more now a days. Evergreen has excellent graduate programs if you want more debt 😜 but just going and seeing the campus is fun. It’s a lovely school.

 That’s my mascot!!

Go Geoducks!!

My college mascot!! Go EVERGREEN!!


Whoa!!! Don’tbesuchaboonpunchtina I had always enjoyed your banter on here, but there ya went and lost me.

Feminism is for everybody.bell hooks. Amazing.

I would murder someone for a double-double. No lie.

This is super sad. For everyone involved, this sucks.

She’s an international treasure!

Mexican culture.


Aww, I’m all smiles! You’re definitely the best crush I’ve had in a while! I wish the guy I’m dating now was more like you! HAHAHAHA. I wont tell him that though, you know men’s egos-so delicate!!

Just on a side note, I read a lot of your posts on here Jinni, and I think you’re just wonderful! You’re always so kind to other commenters, so thoughtful, obviously brilliant, and just all-around awesome. I wish you lived in Seattle and we could be friends. I guess I am saying I have an internet crush on you!! Keep

Oh he’s delightfully handsome! Yummy!

Colorism is pretty common amongst Creoles. There are some interesting books that talk about the developing Creole culture through reconstruction and how they really came to see themselves as completely separate from black Americans. Super intersting and worth the read.

Unless you think Hawaii is a “white state” you’re most certainly talking out of your ass. Again, with blacks it came down to age group. He did better with younger black voters, but lost older black votes, as well as senior votes in general.

I get it; I really do. I think it is really important, however, to consider the immense benefit Sanders’s rhetoric offers future generations of activists and organizers. With his references to radical movements, even through a social-democratic framework, Sanders’ campaign has had an undeniable impact on millions of