
The Democratic Party has revealed itself to be one of the most significant impediments to meaningful social change in this country, so unless you’re a supporter of the status quo I can’t imagine why you’d have a problem with this.


I’m not sure what you’re getting at with the “cool girl” comment, or what the “Bernie type” means either. Bernie’s supporters are extraordinarily diverse. In many contests—especially open ones—he’s split the female vote. In fact, despite the mainstream medias constant proclamation otherwise most of Bernie’s support

He is a piece of shit, but for completely unrelated reasons. I believe one of his wives (now ex wives) accused him of spousal abuse throughout their marriage.

Bahahahahaha! Yas! My sentiments exactly!

Suffering has long been the preferred look of women. Didn’t Sontag tell us this 4 decades ago?

This is everything I have ever wanted to say about anyone who is awful ever. Thank you Julianne; thank you.

I legit cried. I haven’t appreciated all of the president’s calls, and God knows I wished he’s been more vocal about poor people and people of color during his two terms, but damn I am gonna miss the head of the free world being a black man. I’m just saying, even in my short life time, I never thought I’d see it

My heart is bursting for her. I’m in full blown fuck yeah black girls mood!

PDX? omg you sounded like a long time Seattle resident, so I got confused.

All so true. I keep meaning to check out his other stuff, like the one he writes about parenting and ADD, but I’ve been lazy with the library lately.

I do think addiction is an issue of morality, but perhaps not in the way you might initially think. I think it’s our moral duty to care for those who are sick, and to show kindness, compassion, dignity and respect to everyone regardless of their circumstances. I think if policy makers considered this when the crafted

I’ll have to check out that book. Everything you wrote here is true, and honest, and kind.

I hear your point, and I think it’s valid, but something about this just does not sit right with me. I mean for one thing where are the proceeds of this movie going? I may be cynical but I bet it’s mostly if not entirely lining these guys’ pockets.

This made me laugh more than anything else today. TY!


jinni, you’re beautiful. Thank you.

Oh yeah you gotta read it. It’s close to 600 pages, but I swear to you I read it on a like weekend trip to the Bay area. It IS that captivating!

True. There’s this great book by Gabor Mate In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, and Mate does an excellent job of humanizing addicts by explaining the complex systems involved in addiction science. I am a manic depressive who has had an on-and-off-again relationship with medications since I was 13, so I mostly knew there