Bob’s Burgers did it first.
Bob’s Burgers did it first.
* sits back and waits to be attacked by white ppl*
It looks like Kramer’s grip on his arms is the only thing keeping Jerry from floating awkwardly away.
Imagine having such a great opportunity to learn and grow (visiting that museum) and instead deciding to continue on being a hateful, cowardly, disgusting bigot. What a sad and pathetic life.
Hacks with props make me pine for George Carlin ever so much. He would crucify Trump 111 ways to Sunday with only a mike, stool and glass of water.
It’s funny that you name Andy Wood. Did you know what Mother Love Bone was before Pearl Jam or Temple of the Dog? I know they had some following in the northwest, but is Andy Wood really one of your musical heroes?
Jesus, Trump. You are presumably the leader of the free world. Learn how to give a dignified handshake. Cringing.
Jones isn’t cultured enough to appreciate good yogurt.
“What brings us together is that we are very scared, highly unintelligent; both intellectually and emotionally, extremely bigoted, wrong, and soon to be forgotten very quickly.”
I’m jealous, I’m well out of college and didn’t know anything about your school till after I graduated, but it seems like a really cool place with a really great educational philosophy.
Go Geoducks!!
That’s a fair sentence. Jonathan should have kept his hands clean, instead, he had his hand in her pocket, uninvited. Oh, well; you live, you learn.
Jonathan Cheban’s face makes me feel weirdly uncomfortable. Like it didn’t turn out completely right. (I also feel this way about Tiffany Trump’s face, so maybe it’s just me?)
We have an anonymous support group that meets every week on Tuesdays.
Trevor Bauer tried to pitch in Game 3 of the ALCS this evening despite a fucked up finger. He made it 21 pitches and…
Aww, Grandpa feels left out.
How long until we're finally done discussing the gyroball that does not exist?