
Shit can make the soil richer and foster more crops and better harvests. Bernie won’t ever do that much.

Becky and Chad woke up one morning with slightly higher insurance premiums and college debt and decided WE NEED TO FIX THIS SHIT RIGHT.

Trump’s election finally got me into serious activism (first time post-college). I started showing up, keeping a low profile, and listening more than I talked. I wanted to defer to the people in charge because, y’know, clearly they had more experience than me.

Yeah, these three basically check off all the Bernie Bro boxes, already got one frothing all over himself in the grays.

You know the Bernie Defense League’s top squadron of keyboard warriors are getting into formation like:

Nah, fuck this attitude and fuck you for perpetuating it.

You do realize that 99.9% of people are basically sleepwalking through life, right? Most people don’t become aware or woke until something significant happens in their lives. This is ESPECIALLY true of white people, who live in a culture that basically denies the existence of racism while at the same time perpetuating

I’m a POC LGBT person who married a white person and watching people become “woke” when shit happens around them is worth shit to me. I rather it happen at some point than not happen at all.

“Just Big Steps Or Don’t Even Bother”

So, just big steps or not even bother?

So... She shouldn’t try to be better, do better, know better? Ok.

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

Someone needs to take a social science class...

Police unions tend to endorse Republicans. It was consistently like that when I lived in Wisconsin. They only ever endorsed Democrats in areas where the Democrat primary was the real election.

Blue lives matter. What, was you born a police? That is not a blue life. That is a blue suit. If you don’t like it, take that suit off, find a new job, because I’ll tell you right now, if I could quit being black today, I’d be out the game.

And rather than drowning your own flesh and blood child for not thinking exactly as you, shouldn’t you just be glad they’re happy?

I’ll never get out of the grays here, but whatever. I’ll share anyways. My white ginger daughter’s first crush was a half black, half Indian Muslim kid, and guess what? Nothing fucking crazy happened. They would play together after school, and they would invite each other to birthday parties. Then he moved away and

these are the wrong kind of protestors. these ones are on the right side, so they’re ok. only liberal protestors are tase-worthy.

They really should. It might be too arrogant to say that Jesus would also hate these people, but the gospels always portrayed Jesus as being not a fan of the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, religious purist types.

I agree 100%. I had to get a d&c a few years back after a miscarriage and was able to go straight from the ER to the hospital’s in house abortion clinic. Abortion is healthcare, it needn’t be sequestered from other healthcare.