
You can absolutely make a finding of premeditation if it takes a certain amount of time for the person to die. For example, you could argue it was in the “heat of passion” when he put his knee on his neck. But sometime in the intervening 9 minutes he was slowly squeezing the life out of a defenseless humanbeing, a

Murder does not require premeditation. That’s 1st degree murder. There are several other types of murder. At the least, it's manslaughter. Either way, the cop was directly responsible for the man's death and it was totally avoidable. Let’s assume Floyd needed to be restrained and was resisting. He was clearly subdued

Blaming the victim.

Pinned to the ground: Fine.

Please, tell us about your system of justice where there’s no correlation between the size of the crime and the size of the punishment. And the social contracts between citizens and law enforcement. And how first-degree murder is defined.

Minnesota did go to trial the last time an officer killed a person.....however it was a minority officer killing a white woman which may have been an extremely important factor as to why it was pushed through so quickly. Not to mention I believe the union sold the other guy out faster than any other officer I have

I agree with most of the other criticisms, but also want to add that I think it’s okay for parents to struggle a bit when learning their child is trans. Not everyone can come out of the chute fully woke.

I am decidedly not a Hillary fan, but this is a very uncharitable take on what she has said here. 

Also, while there’s support for parents of trans kids now, there really wasn’t until recently. It is significantly more gutsy to support your child when there’s no external support for either of you, no roadmap or published guidelines, no one to talk to about it, etc.

She's older and this issue is not something she is fully aware of. She said she's still learning and that's great. It shows she's actively learning and curious about current topics as a private citizen. The interviewer comes off bad here is what I read primarily. While we could split hairs about her not giving the

So, she reveals that she supports trans people and that she’s learning and trying to better herself on a topic and human condition that she wasn’t familiar with for most of her life. And the takeaway here is that that’s “not pretty”? The purity tests are unreal.

Bingo.  Its an odd tendency for many to try to box out allies on these issues and more.

What on earth. This woman can’t do anything right. I’m sorry her honesty is not pretty enough for you. (pretty enough!!!!! How did you end this piece saying that!) 

This seems more an issue with the interviewer than Hillary. I do like that Chelsea wasn’t going to play the interviewers game and was direct.

This is classic TERF/transphobe tactics: find the most extreme possible example, get someone who is casually ok with trans folks to go along with it, and then try to portray them as agreeing with you. Hillary Clinton has actually worked to measurably improve trans lies, I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt

I’m a white lady who lived in India for awhile. India was colonized and subjugated by the British and it hasn’t even been a century since the British left the country (in a mess.) So I can assure you that a white person in India experiences great privilege on the back of that colonial past and in light of the caste

Wow you could not have chosen worse examples for your incorrect argument/assumptions. Who do you think colonized India and Africa? Ever heard of apartheid? It in fact existed in Africa, instituted by white people. Also, ever been to China as a white American? Check into it. Are you playing dumb? Or just ignorant?

I hadn’t fully realized that, but now I want to do a set of the opposite, if I have to write the books myself. (They will be poorly written.)

Uh, that still sounds exactly like gentrification.

I initially read that as “White developers”, which is probably not inaccurate.