New editor is doing a fantastic job on the political writing.
New editor is doing a fantastic job on the political writing.
The NRA went from “gun control” to “gun rights” once the Black Panthers formed their own well-regulated militia. So, not really sure how well that would work.
It’s “Hoist by his own petard.” It’s Shakespeare, from Hamlet. Hoist - “to lift” and “petard” a small bomb from early gunnery weaponry. Basically, he blew himself up by his own actions. (foist doesn’t make sense, as it means “to impose something unnecessary or unwanted on another.”)
Franken/Duckworth because sadly, we still need a man at the top of the ticket. After a couple terms as VP, then we can talk top of the ticket.
I’m sad that it took THIS LONG for someone to say it.
Oh, I know. I was listening on POTUS with my granddaughter and my response to Trump saying “I hugged him. We’re friends. Now.” (or something along those lines since I’m paraphrasing) was aghast. My granddaughter was looking at me as I was nearly beating my head against the steering wheel going ‘YOU DON’T DO THAT WITH…
Because Hispanics are not all of one mind, just like any other group. There are Hispanic and Latino. European, Mexican, South American, Central American, Cuban... There are Cubans who have been here for at least a couple generations who are “we’re legal so you must be too” toward other Cubans and Mexicans who have…
They did. They had sixteen other options. They chose to believe rhetoric and to ride out the current “racist” administration by electing one of their own.
People keep citing “security for the embassy.” The more salient fact is that Benghazi *wasn’t an embassy* or even consulate but a diplomatic mission and so a smaller/lesser facility and didn’t qualify or quantify for additional funding based on the amount (about $300M less than she had requested) that Congress…