Let me guess: you’re white.
Let me guess: you’re white.
“Race is only a problem in this country to those who make it an issue.”
Please tell me more about how a gun 20 feet away from me fired into the air sounds “very different” than a gun fired at me from the same distance.
Ahh yes the old “Black people are wrong or lying about the racism they experienced growing up and continue to experience” line.
He was a fucking bystander you asshole.
If you have no clue I would suggest you save your post until you do. You would know that our kids look like that at fifteen if you actually paid attention to “our” kids. My thirteen year old can still pass for eight and is always given a kids menu with crayons at restaurants. So save your “not knowing,” bullshit…
You mean except they were called in about black teens drinking? Or that they might have been in an area or neighborhood that had a high percentage of black teens? They expected to find black teens, so they treated them as black teens...
You’re intentionally missing the point. And claiming that someone pointing out disparities between the way female victims and male victims are treated and remembered is somehow “pitting the sexes against each other” is disingenuous and manipulative.
I like how he started shit because a baby was ... not injured? and then said he didn’t want to make a big deal of it... while talking to a fucking news crew. Yeah okay broseph, you’re a real hero
Friendly reminder to fly Virgin America, Alaska, or JetBlue
My only regret is that I have but one star to give.
this is even funnier!
Look up fertility goddess Ostara. Much like Christmas, Easter was appropriated by christians to con the pagans who didn’t want to give up their traditions just to be fed to the lions. It was then later co-opted by greedy corporations who know I will buy anything dark chocolate.
Kids : Sphincter Bunny, Sphincter Bunny...
Easter is a pagan fertility holiday. Rabbits and eggs are symbols of fertility. Then, The Church came along and co-opted it.
Oh it get’s better. Trudeau is HATED by the alt right as a kind of avatar of the type of politician they dislike. The word cuck gets thrown around a great deal in their circle as it is but they really mean it with him.
I have actually cat-hissed at people who get too close to me. Just as effective and less germs.