
Yo dog I heard you like mollies, so we put molly in your mollies

As a Minnesotan it definitely feels like the last redoubt of that history out here sometimes, having a “Democratic-Farmer-Labor” party locally, that sort of thing.  We look east across the St. Croix with more than a little fear for the future.

No one much under 30 is going to have any idea what you’re talking about, dude.  The man has been dead a while.  Let it go.

Eh, I’d put All You Had To Do Was Stay above it.

Underrated post

Why do they need to stop having sex to rule together?  A marriage might make great political glue for that kind of arrangement.  I get that you guys are stressing about the incest, but dude, it’s feudalism.

I suspect most readers here were not voting in 1988 and in 2016 Clinton winning the primaries was more or less “the plan” at the level of party establishment.

Well, unless you’ve got a plan to change Wisconsin’s voting system, it sounds like we’re going to need more votes.

Winning by three million apparently isn’t enough.  No, that’s not fair, but we need a wider margin.  I don’t know if Warren can deliver that.

Castro I haven’t heard fuck all about, or Hickenlooper, but mostly I agree.

To be honest, I think the misogynist vote probably cost us the election last time. It’s a distasteful thought, but maybe the country isn’t ready. I’m not sure I want to sacrifice the good a Democratic administration could do, or at least the evil it could keep at bay, for that 1/46 representation.

Can you show me where Sanders has promised that?  Because I’m getting nothing.

You know, maybe you’re on to something.  Maybe that’s his thing and this was his plan all along.

Bolsonaro’s a piece of work too though

Good luck with that bro

As someone cursed with facial hair growth in abundance, I just don’t like feeling like a goddamn Wookie (spelling?) all the time. It’s annoying that there’s this tactile sensation on my face. So I blow through two five-blade cartridges a week clearcutting it out.  And on the more serious level, yeah, it’s not really

This.  It’s lame, but we know it works.

I think a lot of them didn’t like him then either; we just have such a polarized political landscape that they weren’t willing to risk the libruls winning. They may have a pretty alien sense of right and wrong, but it’s not like they don’t understand how a winner-take-all voting system works; the Jill Stein crowd

Women helping to enforce patriarchy is neither new nor particularly remarkable.

The stats in this article are written really confusingly. We’re not in milk ducks territory, but it still took me a couple reads. The 80 to 59 drop section, at first I thought it was still that 59% of Republican men were more likely to believe women than before #MeToo, which seemed good. But the last paragraph seems