
>In 2017, Fox hosted an art exhibit titled “R.I.P. Julia Fox’”, which featured silk canvases painted with her own blood.

Metal af

I always wanted a woman who could pick me up and carry me bridal style, but sadly I am 6'2"

I read this similarly.  She may still love him, but love isn’t enough sometimes; he’s just too nuts to be what her and her kids need.

What makes you think Michelle wants anything to do with any of this?

I mean, what do you expect her to do? VPs don’t have a lot of de jure responsibilities beyond waiting for the President to die. Considering that, she’s taken on a fairly ambitious agenda, I’d say.

This is like, the Citizen Kane of bad ideas. This is bad ideas as high art.

Sexy Shelob as well IIRC

I really appreciate the nuanced analysis here. I hope it doesn’t fall on deaf ears.

Will there be quokkas?  Or wombats?  Or tassies?  If so I’m in

The interesting thing about this from a representation angle is I gotta imagine this is gonna mean something more special to young queer girls who don’t fit well into masculine-ish lesbian stereotypes.

I suspect the traumatic family history might have been part of what got her into social work. It was for my sister.

From what I’ve heard Josh is very much not on the same page as his brother.

I mean, there have been some very politically powerful songs made by pop artists.  As much as they kinda suck musically, U2's “Sunday Bloody Sunday” comes to mind.  If she wrote something with a serious tone and sent the profits toward a relevant group trying to patch things up, I think I’d be down for that.

Calgary I’m guessing? I was up there for grad school for something unrelated, but moved back to Minneapolis afterwards because oil and gas, and a bit of finance, were the only things that were hiring, and I wasn’t in anything close.  Yeah, Alberta at least is going to be married to this fossil fuel thing for a while

Given the reference to WV, Sock may mean coal specifically, but yeah, my reaction was the same as yours.

Yeah, Minneapolis here. Sourdoh has the right read on the situation. More police will not help our crime situation, and the cops here are steadfastly unwilling to change anything they’re doing, so short of dismantling the department, there really isn’t any lever we can pull on.

I consider myself a liberal and not a

I thought the subtext from the stuff about the friend was that they had at least danced along the edge of an emotional affair.  I don’t think his guilt is just about having aired his dirty laundry to a close friend.

Yeah, I always figured, you know, let her come to you about this stuff. Maybe he’s trying not to be up in your business, give you your space to heal in your own way.  Doesn’t explain OP’s wife’s political turn, but I could totally see holding off and dancing around a wife’s private struggles as a matter of trying to

Yeah, my friends are mostly women precisely, I think, because young men, at least here in the US, basically don’t have a culture of connecting with each other at all. Other dudes are impossible to really break through with beyond a superficial level. I just can’t live with a purely inward life focus like that, man.

Her and Omar both tbh