
Trump was fairly specific about what he stood for; it’s not like he played his cards close to the chest on any of his real talking points (racism, trade protectionism, disdain for traditional Western alliances, et al).

Obama’s probably a better analogue. I didn’t vote for him in the primary in ‘08, it wasn’t my

This.  As a Minneapolitan, I look at this logo and think that this is a guy who plans to win states inland, and that’s where we fumbled last time around.  It looks like something you’d see at a threshing show.

Yeah, it sounds like the guy understands how voters actually make decisions, with their gut.  If we were all policy junkies we wouldn’t need representatives.

This is just some harmless trollery by some kids.  Like, why is everyone here such a buzzkill about it?

I mean, yeah, I thought it was at least a little funny and basically harmless. I don’t really get the outrage.

This needs to go straight to the cloning lab for the Jurassic Park treatment

That’s been my mom’s transformation on police issues in the last few years. Reworking deep parts of one’s worldview at 60ish can’t be easy, even when presented with hard evidence. I got a lot of admiration for that sort of thing.

Kylo is a Skywalker by bloodline.  I’m assuming it’s him.

This is a really darkly amusing take.  Underrated post.

For a less dated reference point, I’ve been thinking her rainbow-girlhood schtick does seem to lack the self-awareness of, say, a Carly Rae Jepsen. CRJ sings with a very young-teen perspective, but clearly that isn’t her actual worldview, if you look at any interviews. There’s an element of Peter Pan to it, of

I think the kind of sex work one engages in due to being homeless and hungry probably doesn’t offer much to recommend it.  We can be supportive without denying the reality that being a streetwalker kinda sucks.

That’s both a fair and true take, and it’s definitely a problem. It’s a problem, though, that requires a more nuanced touch than the xenophobia the guy I was responding to is espousing.

Insular Southeast Asia has been Muslim for centuries. This draconian Wahhabi shit, this is new.  Blame the Saudis for exporting their interpretation, but by equating their puritanical take on Islam with Islam as a whole, you’re only buying into their propaganda.

Seriously.  It’s not her fault her bestie was a damn narc.

It sounds like this was cheap materials, though

Surprised police made the list

Yeah, I was five, dude.  I don’t feel too bad about my inaction in 1993.

I guess that’s a fair take.

Did chuckle a little at that rant. I wanna tell him, dude, Mike, I’m 31 and hangout times for me still largely consist of hanging out at someone’s pad playing D&D. Sure, there’s beer and half of us are married, but some things just don’t change that much.

This. Plus, the man is dead. If we wanted to enact any kind of justice on him, like, we’re too late.  I feel like I can still listen without guilt, without any sense of moral hazard, and while I can certainly respect that someone who’s had different life experiences might not feel that way, writing a whole article