That’s both a fair and true take, and it’s definitely a problem. It’s a problem, though, that requires a more nuanced touch than the xenophobia the guy I was responding to is espousing.
That’s both a fair and true take, and it’s definitely a problem. It’s a problem, though, that requires a more nuanced touch than the xenophobia the guy I was responding to is espousing.
Insular Southeast Asia has been Muslim for centuries. This draconian Wahhabi shit, this is new. Blame the Saudis for exporting their interpretation, but by equating their puritanical take on Islam with Islam as a whole, you’re only buying into their propaganda.
Seriously. It’s not her fault her bestie was a damn narc.
It sounds like this was cheap materials, though
Surprised police made the list
Yeah, I was five, dude. I don’t feel too bad about my inaction in 1993.
I guess that’s a fair take.
Did chuckle a little at that rant. I wanna tell him, dude, Mike, I’m 31 and hangout times for me still largely consist of hanging out at someone’s pad playing D&D. Sure, there’s beer and half of us are married, but some things just don’t change that much.
This. Plus, the man is dead. If we wanted to enact any kind of justice on him, like, we’re too late. I feel like I can still listen without guilt, without any sense of moral hazard, and while I can certainly respect that someone who’s had different life experiences might not feel that way, writing a whole article…
I think they’re using Germanic V2 word order to make it sound archaic; “the heart” is the subject”. Overly technical answer, I know. Or I could be totally wrong, and maybe there’s some reference I’m not getting, but that’s how I’m reading it.
He’s her former pimp. “Let” might not be the word here.
I love how baffled the cat looks through the whole thing.
Nah, I think that’s a legit take.
No one finds it attractive, but we all do it. The retraining idea has its issues, but to the degree that this is one, it’s an entirely self-inflicted one on these workers’ part. It’s not reasonable, in general, to ask the work to come to you.
Has it occurred to you guys that even if you retrain some 50 year old factory worker, how exactly do you expect him to get hired over a 25 year old? Nobody wants to hire someone who’s going to be a medical expense and retire in ten years. Ageism in hiring might not be fair, but it’s a thing, and that doesn’t even get…
If he couldn’t beat Cruz, he won’t beat Cornyn. And regarding not wanting someone as eloquently moderate as Obama, I think you might need a reality check on what exactly the US electorate is willing to go for.
Your meme game is strong, but this isn’t 4chan, /b/rah. I don’t think this will be well received here.
This. I grew up in the period where he was a washed-up hermit who was known as a probable child predator, and then all of a sudden when he died everyone was singing his praises, and I was wondering where the hell all these fans had been hiding.
Agreed. There’s really no benefit to abstaining if he’s got any higher ambitions.
I honestly don’t think even that would sink the antivax conspiracy theories.