
In isolation I’d get that, at least; a lot of people might do that on a cost basis.

You’re not thinking bold enough.  What about a romance?

Oh, the term’s often got that tone of self-loathing in my experience.  4chan’s nasty, but they’re under no illusions about themselves.

They could be all those things (they aren’t) and still would be better than the fascists. The world can be morally complex sometimes, but this one, this is pretty cut and dried.

Can confirm, used extensively on 4chan

There are prominent universalist strains of Asatru that don’t have the racist shit going on. It’s gonna depend a lot on who your nephew’s listening to.

These stories always floor me as a Midwesterner. I straight don’t get it. How does this happen? I get it in someplace like NYC or Vancouver where it’s physically constricted, but what prevents you guys from just building more apartments and shit? is it a zoning thing? A tech salary thing? I’m an apartment dweller in

Underrated post

Shouldn’t this be a Would U ?

I think they just mean, like, non-fat people.  I’ve never heard the term before either.  Seems kinda goofy but what do I know?

Midwesterner here.  I thought we were supposed to like de Blasio, that he was more left than his predecessor or whatever?

Not always. Just because our culture doesn’t teach us how to talk about what we feel doesn’t mean it’s all that different internally. I’m a man in the middle of reeling from the realization that my male best friend of ten years has ghosted me. I think it’s the distance (MN to NYC), separate lives, not anything I said

Underrated post

Unless she paid for that empty gap seat, she’s got no claim to it or to preventing anyone else from using it.

This is an extremely memeish main picture.  Getting both Giorgio Tsoukalos and Promotions Guy vibes here.

If she doesn’t like it, she can pay more to sit up front, or if she wants to go cheaper, I hear there’s plenty of elbow room on Greyhound. Nobody forced her into this seat.

They’re not “someone there to serve you”; they’re someone there to help you get your ass off the plane if there’s a fire, and they serve drinks in the meantime.  Attitudes like that might be why they’re a little salty with you.

Would ship


Been thinking about going the high pony route; I’m not a natural at this hair care stuff and am just now getting bold enough to try and make it stick. Is the high ponytail really that painful or destructive in principle or is just how these individuals are executing them?