Right? These six guys could have just lived off his rap income and done way better than any amount of robbing stores would have gotten them. It’s utterly irrational.
Right? These six guys could have just lived off his rap income and done way better than any amount of robbing stores would have gotten them. It’s utterly irrational.
Now that’s an interesting thought!
I’m not even sure they do tend to be more religious; they just have more outerwear related to it. I can totally respect where you’re coming from. It’s the same sentiment behind French laicite; the state should be secular. I don’t trust our current culture of xenophobes to apply it fairly, a problem the French are…
This is a pretty misleading headline; it’s against headwear in general. I’m assuming it’s coming from the same place as people in the past seeing it as improper to wear hats in church, say. I seriously doubt they were thinking one way or another about how it would impact Somali women when Somalia wasn’t a country yet…
As an avid fish eater, it’s been pointed out to me many times, probably with some merit, that too much actual fish eating puts one at risk for mercury poisoning. Not so true with fish oil!
>Texas hasn’t elected a Republican to statewide office since 1994
Pls hire an editor
This. I’m the only commuting cyclist in a seven floor office building and all the time I see these people work a ton so they can buy a nice car and drive to the gym to exercise. It’s baffling.
Mine is, but I’m 6'2", so perhaps that skews my view of the world here.
I’m really not sure those are the same white women. Full disclosure, I’m a dude, so I don’t really have a stake in preserving face for them as a group, but when I’ve been to protest stuff, it’s the urban liberal chicks with blue hair that show out, not the mommy bloggers of the suburbs or whatever. I’d be more…
It does irk tbh. I’m not much of a handyman or a professional cleaner, but who is these days? That doesn’t make me Homer Simpson.
I think you’re just short
pics pls. That sounds dope as hell
That was my thinking. I mean, to me it seems natural to interpret the costume as critical of the way things are.
You can’t get it to stick to the right because they have no standards. We’ve shown we’ll go after our own when they violate ours; just ask Al Franken. Being the good guys kind of sucks sometimes.
Why is “woman” in quotes? Are they trying to imply that she’s trans or something, or is this just bad punctuation?
Americans tend to think anyone with a non-American English accent who’s clearly a native English speaker is British. The Irish, the Australians, the Nigerians, they’re all different kinds of Briton. So yeah, this guy could’ve been from anywhere.
This. The gender swap aside, the movie’s essentially a NiceGuy self destructing, wrapped in romcom trappings.
I tried to stay in Canada after grad school and couldn’t make it stick residency permit wise. It’s harder to do than you’d think. We’re more or less stuck here in this fight, I think, and if things deteriorate to the point where people are taking us in on a humanitarian basis, I don’t think anywhere’s going to be…
I think that was a deliberate reference to that, actually. Subtlety’s hard to convey online.