
I didn’t even think about the socialist/nonDem end of the left here. If he appointed Ginger Jentzen I think that would give basically everyone a heart attack. I’m not as radical as she is, but that kind of makes me want to see it.

In terms of stuff that might actually happen, I think the most likely women of color

Minneapolis here. I don’t think Tina Smith runs, or she would’ve had her hat in the gubernatorial race already. She pretty much indicated the end of her political ambitions when she shocked everybody paying attention to that race here by not doing that. If he appoints Smith, and I think that’s the likely choice, he

Australians are an odd bunch. Maybe there’s a culture angle here.

I love them! Even setting the symbolic meanings aside, they’re way better than bills for vending machines. I used to live in Canada where they have loonies and toonies instead, and man, one of the many things we could stand to learn from em.

I don’t want him to get any less competent than he is now. That’s not helpful. He needs a stroke of brilliance, an epiphany, a fucking brain transplant, not brain damage.

It will result in the Muslims and Jews killing each other. If you’re David Duke, what’s not to like?

Agreed. As a Minneapolitan, the allure of more radical left parties does draw votes here. They’re not going to defect to the GOP, but we risk voters defecting to the Greens and Socialists and the like.

This. Even in pure realpolitik terms, this compromises his reelectability. I think our odds are best running someone else next cycle.

She’s a cop, not a political orator. She did decent.

There’s a lot of very valid reasons to bail on this dude brought up in this thread and I think that’s absolutely a reasonable course of action. I guess what I’m thinking, though, is that, does this dude listen to you in general? I’m assuming so or you wouldn’t be friends. He may need your voice and guidance; otherwise

TBF me cooking Italian looks a lot like this, no shirt, noodles going everywhere. I’m just not as cute as she is.

If chicks thought the courts would actually do anything for them, they probably would. Most of the time, the courts don’t.

Derp good call

Interesting contrast between Oliver here not just letting things go and Kimmel last year rubbing the fascist in chief’s head like everything’s cool. If this news-comedy hybrid that people seem to be into these days is going to have any meaning, it can’t be toothless.

Fallon’s a douche, but he strikes me as more the whiny “incel” type.


Tbh I’ve always suspected that the usage relating to cowardice had something to do with the “cat” meaning, like scaredy-cat. That at least would make some sense.

So these are like meme names, then, along the lines of Technoviking or Star Wars Kid.

You would be surprised. Premodern China was far from an ethnic monolith. During the Silk Road era, you had everybody from Jews to Tocharians to proto-Turks running around. Even today there’s something like 80 million non-Han people in China; you take a stroll through Urumqi and you’ll see redheads and blue eyes.

Also, kicking in doors only works well if you’re an 18+ Str barbarian or the like. Usually you go to the knock spell or the thief abilities first.