
Well, depends on the door. Consider the construction of an airline flight deck door. You’re not getting through that without some serious siege engine shit. Matt Lauer’s door probably isn’t quite there, but he’s a big enough name it’s probably not trivial to bypass.

This one’s new to me. Man, my state really is clearing these guys out. I guess that says good things about us maybe?

What security purpose is there for lock that can’t be opened from the inside? Usually the desire is to keep bad things out, not lock them in with you. Am I being dense?

I didn’t see this but this show sounds amazing

They don’t need to forget. These people would rather have a compulsive liar in his case, or a pedophile creep, in Moore’s, than a liberal in power. Trump is out of his mind, but these people detest us and those we try to aid, and he’s expressed that in an open and clear way that they trust. Do not underestimate the

Well within Standard Creepiness Rule

That’s like, the opposite of barf, man

And haven’t plenty of us made a mirror argument for Franken? That we can’t afford to not have him in there and increase the right’s ability to hurt women on a mass scale instead, so we shouldn’t throw him to the wolves for his indiscretions?

Seriously. It’s legal in Colombia. All he had to do was pay the bill.

“their seductive power”

This is the kind of infantilizing bullshit I’m talking about. They are not sorcerors and being a qt3.14 is not mind control. You get to choose how you respond to any come ons or what have you. This idea that adult men just can’t help themselves, can’t be expected to act like responsible adults,

If you’re someone’s superior, you don’t get to make a move, signals or not. It’s on you, not on the cute girl at the office, to make sure you have your shit together. Maybe show a little self-discipline and think with the head and not your testicles? It’s not asking a lot.

Kind of surprised this is the first African team in that Lesotho’s basically a big ski resort for South Africans, from what I’ve read. You’d think someone in one of those two countries could have put together a team.

Some of us don’t like chocolate. I’m still waiting for one with a different flavor of chicken wing every day. That would be amazing.

Broader popularity? No one outside the 494/694 ring is going to vote for him. They’re enraged we elected a black Muslim.

This. He barely got in in the first place. These people out of state saying, oh, it’s a blue state, we’ll be fine if he resigns, they have no idea how much of a fight we’ve had to keep it that way. I mean, maybe it’s still the right call to ask for a resignation, but people need to understand what they’re asking for,

You’d be surprised. As a USWNT fan I run into shippers all the time. The Heath/Press thing has driven people out of their minds.

Hiding from these guys, if he’s smart. Did you read the part about their diet?

She was born a citizen, though. That’s the part that actually matters. She could have been born in Soviet Moscow and still be eligible if she had American parents.

The thing I don’t get about this is, like, as a dude, I’ve found that chicks will generally let you know if they don’t like whatever you’re doing. They don’t make it a secret unless they’re terrified of you in particular, which is a problem in itself and something you should be able to suss out. Like, where is all