
For now.

Yeah, they kind of dropped the ball on the actual journalism. A little legwork and they could have been the ones to break this rather than just treat it like an online Burn Book

I mean, his personal behavior aside, it sounds like a really bad film.

Charlize Theron? What’s the story with that one?

I mean, I think you’re kind of blowing off the existence of nonwhite Greek organizations; they’re a thing and I’ve always heard that they’re quite helpful to their members.

Minnesota here. In a word, yes.

Depends on what you’re into in the US. It’s worth noting that American soccer fans, among others, aren’t quite under the same illusions.

Speaking as a Minneapolitan, I’m curious as to what her take on the Justine Dawood killing was.

I was in Indochina a few times since my studies focused on the area when I was in undergrad and grad school, and yeah, as a young white dude everyone assumed that’s why I was there, so I had all sorts of dudes open up to me about some creepy backwards sexual shit. It’s super fucked up.

Charlie, bro, you don’t need to fly in the cocaine. LA is not a difficult place to score some blow.

I miss Vincent Price

This. GWB at least seems to have the capacity to learn from errors. There are chimpanzees doing more self-reflection than the current guy.

This is a very Quebecois thing to lose one’s shit about. These guys are deadly serious about wine. I think it’s a holdover from the motherland.

Does have a touch of the sexually confused mean girl, doesn’t it?

And those earrings kill. So jealous.

Stephen Jenkins from 3EB too.

I tried Hinge at one point when it was free and had the meat market experience, but OKC hasn’t been too bad for that. It just seems on there like everybody wants to be part of some open poly quadrangle or something, which like, isn’t my jam.

Dude what
Chicks may have an easier time getting responses, but we go into a date a lot more confident we’re not going to end up chopped up in a refrigerator somewhere.

Fellow MSPer here, reading this article and considering this Bumble thing. Is it commonly used here? It sounds like you generally like it? Also sorry about the creeps out there.

Not who you’re responding to, but lots of things. I work as an airline crew scheduler, and the regulations north of the border are totally different; none of my resume would matter. If your background focuses on things that are fundamentally tied to the US government in any way, that’s going to be hard to do anything