You’re going to hell, but that’s pretty good.
You’re going to hell, but that’s pretty good.
This. The woman involved’s rights were grossly violated from a pro-choice perspective. “Fetal homicide” is an odd area where left and right agree something is wrong for largely differing reasons.
My initial interpretation was the same as meteor’s. Maybe your set is more basic than ours or something.
Well, probably, unless there were two pregnant women, which isn’t inconceivable.
It’s the whole prison body thing. They spend a lot of time doing pushups and stuff in there.
That dude was on the math team w/me in high school, tbh. I remember him getting a girl’s undergarments thrown at him by their owner at a school dance.
Male entitlement alone doesn’t let you take wine bottles over the head and keep going. Homeboy’s lit up on something.
Nobody on a dependent pass is kicking paying passengers off. I think you’re confusing deadheaders, employees who are on duty given positive space seats to get to whatever they’re supposed to be doing, and standbys doing space-available travel.
When a pilot commutes into work on standby, if they can get him a seat where he can sleep a little better, that’s probably a good thing.
The average lifespan of an airliner is about 25 years. There’s still plenty of planes out there with 1990s technology. Give it time.
Right?? As a nonrev, like, you’re supposed to be as mousy and innocuous as possible. This is not how you do it.
Eurasia might be doable over the polar icecap, no? Or is the icecap too melted these days?
Interfering with a flight crew in and of itself carries some really stiff penalties. It’s a stronger charge than assault, for sure.
Well, note that at full altitude the doors won’t open; the pressure difference holds them shut. It sounds like they were still in the climb phase here, though.
Sounds like a t.a.tu. video
I hope there’s a song on the album about that one
A lot of new things have happened this past year.
It’s worth noting that there’s more ethnic diversity than you’re giving credit for to her set. There’s a couple Latinas involved, and the Hadids are Arab.
Huh. I’m 29, but maybe it’s not too late. I can start this while everybody else is taking their smoke breaks at work. Head control here I come
We are all her friends. She tells us at every concert.