
That’s an interesting line, social fantasy. I think you’re onto something. Would you want to elaborate a bit?
Like, as a straight dude I’m probably supposed to look at someone like Kloss through a lust-tinted lens, but yeah, I’d kind of be more interested in just having a night at the bar chatting with her and her

The goth look works better on Karlie than I’d have anticipated. I suppose that sort of flexibility’s what they’re paying her for as a model, so I shouldn’t be shocked.

Has Winona Ryder ever portrayed a president? Like, I think it’s time

Maybe, but you’re speaking like a nineteen year old idealist who’s never read a history book and just discovered political radicalism on Reddit/Jezebel/the Internet in general.

WTF is tummy time?

That’s my concern; things like property rights and child custody/visitation in a multi way divorce would be a clusterfuck. We already have a legal device for pooling assets, a corporation, but we don’t have corporations getting custody of children (yet).

Moreover, it’s not at all clear to me that there’s a class of

Top-level politics may not be for you, then. This is how it works.

For a two hundred year old country, that’s quite a bit. Peace is not the historical norm, globally speaking.

It’s not necessarily the same people. I’m the son of a flower child who never gave up, never sold out, and I don’t have the sense that it’s her cohort that is doing this to us.

It’s strange to me. For me those past stories (ethnic Irish in my case) are a major motivator to not inflict injustice on other people going through the same thing now. How do so many use it to justify the exact opposite conclusion?

This. I wasn’t always the feminist I am now. Talk to us. The right’s wrong when they think that men just can’t help ourselves. Speak, teach, and even if it doesn’t seem like it in the short term, we’ll hear you.

But there’s a lot more people in that demographic living in large cities, even here in the Midwest, who don’t think that way. Minneapolis is as much the Midwest as Buttfuck, Iowa, and has a lot more fuckin’ people.

They don’t group up as much as we do, though; they live in far flung places. I guess you could hit NASCAR races and fundamentalist churches, but they’ve got a plethora of places they could hit us and ready access to a lot of fertilizer. I’m not sure they’re in a bad spot in that type of conflict either.

This. Stay strong, friend. I know that feel well.

Apply to own head, obviously

Isn’t that just Disney Land?

If the military sides with the fascists, yeah, we’re done, but I think it’s possible to conceptualize a more low-intensity conflict where they’re on the sidelines, more like Ulster’s Troubles than like our last civil war.

Agreed. If an order comes down, the police will shoot us. The military I’m not nearly so sure about.

I had an issue with the high die pools in 4e. I like the globalized feel they were going for, though, and the less retrotech future. I think the addition of Limits in 5e helps, but they made a mess of a lot of other things in the process.

Not a bad plan at all here, and this is coming from a guy genuinely enjoying 5e. The stuff they’re putting out now, it’s not refined at all, and I don’t think stiffing the writers has helped in that regard.