
Look, I’m a devout Shadowrun fan, but I’m in it for the world and the intrigue. The subsystems and subsystems, yeah, it’s definitely reminiscent of a much older school of game design, and a lot of things get sidelined in practice when we play; I’ve been GMing it since the 00s and I still don’t understand the Matrix

Didn’t BET kinda try that a generation ago with, like, mixed success?

underrated post

Also related news here in MN: The Pride parade went back on their word and let the cops have a section in the parade after all. Finger in the eye of a wounded community.

The solution being pushed locally (Minneapolis here) is for cops to be required to carry professional insurance, the way doctors do for malpractice suits and the like. It’s very much a free market solution, so hopefully that’ll make it an easier sell to the political center.

It is, although I honestly preferred the tringle’s more synthpop sound.

I find myself wondering if this movie reads differently to a culture with a preexisting belief in reincarnation.

After all the soccer tweets last year, maybe she finally landed a footballer.

In a word, yes.

It’s kind of her thing. She’s intense.

Man, this sounds like something the CIA would have cooked up to kill Castro.

That sounds more like Nyan Cat than a unicorn

It’s especially weird given the restrictions on travel to Cuba, ostensibly because of its communism, when the Cubans are all about Westerners spending at their resorts.

That was basically her Sith father’s approach, as I recall.

Hah, I’m an MSP man too. I wasn’t in town for that show, though; I ended up catching them that summer on the road in New York when they opened for Swift. I heard the First Ave show was off the chain, though! Lucky you!

Even Maynard hates Tool fans.

Look up some of the lives. The pop finish on the album’s largely an artifact of production; they’re definitely more of a rock band onstage.

They’re not as synthpoppy live, so I see where they’re getting that. Don’t get me wrong, they’re dynamite doing the more chill Fleetwood Mac/WP type stuff, but it doesn’t satisfy my aural sweet tooth the way the album versions do.

I’m not sure that’s fair. She faced down the demogorgon with nothing more than a pistol she hardly knew how to use in hopes of finding Barb. Not a lot of high school friends would do that for you.

This. Arctic Zero gave me cancer