
Seriously, this almost sounds like good dadding. Your little girl/30 year old heiress daughter (gotta be Ivanka) wants to meet these guys, maybe you play a little hardball to make it happen.

Aren’t frogs like, a fascist thing now? Can we still have regular non-fascist frogs and not get people confused?

That’s still a wash on that issue between her and der Orangenfuhrer.

Quoting the Vorlons now are we?

This. I think Jill Stein’s a dipshit, but if she was our only shot to defeat Trump, I’d have sucked it up. The fact that the radicals aren’t willing to do the equivalent makes them part of the problem.

In certain states Natives get the brunt of white racism. If you look at the Trumpists in the upper Midwest and Plains, say, then yeah, they know and they’re not happy about it.

Maybe we could build a wall


They weren’t shy about letting her get punched in the head. Like, that’s kind of bold, man. Movies really aren’t into that in general.

Every time I’ve read that she’s seeing ARod I keep thinking of this ARod and that’s fuckin’ confusing yo

Wasn’t there a theory at one point that Taylor was closeted?

You know where I’m going with this, right? Have we ever seen them in the same room together?

I was at this protest. We tried to keep the cops from grabbing him, but I don’t think any of us knew he was somebody beyond being another brave antifa.

I think overclubbing means the seal pelt is ruined

Have you considered that maybe none of those people should be president?

I feel you. Permasingle on the cusp of 29. Nothing works. Dating is torture, the butterflies are radio silent, and everyone you meet is in a totally different place in their life. The Drake equation of finding the right person, you liking each other at the same time, and so on, it’s hard to make it produce sizable

Trying to reason with people got us the Donald. It may be time to pursue more direct strategies.

In that Vanity Fair/Daily Mail picture, Katy looks a lot like Sarah Barthel from Phantogram.

As a women’s soccer fan who was around for the demise of WPS and is still hearing about the WUSA’s implosion, this gives me painful and familiar feels.

Aren’t most of the murders down there a cartel/gang thing? Who did this hippo disrespect? Did he know too much?