
That’s the odd thing. A full grown hippo is hardly defenseless. These guys are lucky it’s not their bodies getting pulled out of there. A casual cow tipping expedition this was not.

Not much nuance in your world, is there?

An igloo?

The thing I keep hearing amongst sane Americans lately is that the leader of the free world is now Angela Merkel. Keep doin what you’re doin over there Germany; our hopes rest with you.

I think orthographic “should of” is just a reanalysis of the spoken “should’ve” rather than any change to the articulation. The addition of “went”, on the other hand, is a lot more interesting, because now you’re playing with tense and the like.

Combat in populated areas, not to mention warfare in general, is messy and causes a lot of human tragedies, especially when you’re dealing with the kind of scumbags that use women and children as ablative armor. That’s not new and different with regards to this operation; that’s blood-soaked business as usual.

Well put. Season one Rory was all right, if sort of lightly snooty. By the end, though, she was a woo girl who’d burnt bridges people with less options would love to have erected. Jess, on the other hand, really got his shit together.

Transitive “borrow” is very common here in MN. It’s not a mistake in the local dialect, but obviously it’s not standard American English. I haven’t encountered it elsewhere.

Team Paris, but I feel you on Rory being kind of a tool.

Hey, I really liked the first half, especially as someone with a linguistics background. They get a lot of the elicitation strategies right. That ending, though. Sapir-Whorf doesn’t work that way, and god forbid the lady scientist not have some family domestic shit going on.

Elba is too old.

I’ve been Team Taylor right along, but I’ll be damned if Katy isn’t the one who has it together politically. Swift’s feminism seems suspiciously quiet in these trying times.

Again, doesn’t apply to tidally locked worlds because they won’t have a day-night cycle. Day and night are places on those planets. If they have sleep as a part of their biology, I’d guess it might be more like you’d see in crepuscular animals like cats, a little bit here and there rather than one big chunk.

Actual tweet?

Finally watched Arrival (I’m noting the pic). As someone with a linguistics background and at least a bit of a fascination with this sort of thing, really loved the first half. The second half... got weird/dumb. Protip: Sapir/Whorf doesn’t work that way.

Assuming they use the rotation period around the star as a timing device at all. I mean, we started doing it because of seasons on Earth. On a world without seasonality, like a tidally locked world or one without axial tilt, maybe that concept doesn’t develop.

As a dude I’ve spent quite a bit of time wondering the opposite. If I don’t take care of myself in a society where only women get really expected to, shower twice a week and never change my bedsheets, that sort of thing, is that a fundamentally chauvinist or oppressive act? Or am I just a barbarian prone to

I mean, you’re not wrong. If we had a president who was competent and didn’t have obvious conflicts of interest with regard to Russia, it really wouldn’t be a bad strategy. Same thing with Iran, really. Both these guys hate Sunni Islamists as much as we do. Donald Trump is not that president, though.

That’s fucking brilliant

Let’s go surfing eh!

Delta’s probably going to ask the FAs what they make of this.