
Airline worker here. This is typically the captain’s call. If someone’s being a sufficient nuisance, a diversion isn’t a strange decision, especially given the geographic factors you mention.

I kind of liked Mindy Kaling’s variant.

I’d be happy keeping Biden in place.

Franken’s the one that jumps out at me. She wants to go after Trump, who better than a former professional satirist?

No, I think she may be here for a while, a la Madonna or Minogue.

Maybe that’s part of the thrill somehow.

Well within Standard Creepiness Rule bounds. (35/2)+7 = 24.5, and she’s 26.

Gun control doesn’t have to be the whole solution to be a good idea. If we were reading a story about how he knifed five people, that would be an improvement, no? Why people insist on preventing us from at least tourniqueting the wound I’ll never understand. But I do agree that there’s going to be harder, deeper

Bombs aren’t nearly as user-friendly. For violent lunatics, the firearm, particularly anything with rapid-fire capability, really can’t be beat.

They’ve done it once before. Canada’s never experienced anything like our Civil War. I hope you never do. And I hope we can find another way this time; every year that goes by it seems less likely. It just feels like we’re circling the goddamn drain.

What a bunch of crap. “Hate” isn’t this amorphous, equivalent thing. I may hate the rednecks and their guns, but I’m not going to their redneck bars trying to kill them. There’s blame to be shared, but it’s not shared without number, without proportion. The conservatives in both the West and the Middle East, well,

Even within his genre, though, Cobain wasn’t particularly fantastic as a vocalist. If he’d said Staley I’d have given him some credit for that.

I mean, she’s from Louisiana. I kinda figured that must happen a lot in the bayou swamps and stuff.

U mad bro?

Agreed. Completely understand why she did it, but it wouldn’t have taken much to avoid the missing person panic.

That or something out of an 80s action movie, like the Terminator or something. I think it’s the glasses.

But yeah, I should just look at the header pictures from now on; this story is a fuckin’ downer.

Jesus, I thought that rumor was just 4chan being 4chan, so I never took it seriously. Hearing it here scares the shit out of me.

Visually I think SJ’s a great pick for someone who looks like the Major.

FWIW I agree with you. I’m not sure this movie is the hill to die on.

For me it’s rabbits, and mammalian herbivores in general. I think it’s an uncanny valley thing. Like, reptiles or birds with sidefacing eyes are ok for me, as are predators like dogs or cats (maybe due to familiarity and expressions?), but rabbits, cows, horses, the eyes all look Wrong to me.