If bears can be a gay thing why not wolves? Same idea but more social maybe?
Has anyone ever considered doing, like, a cat bar? With beer?
Agreed. People are getting real heated here, but the context seems pretty different to me. I guess it’s more enjoyable to be Mad On The Internet.
I see Somali women wearing flashy, colorful shawls here in Minneapolis all the time, and I’m sure this is a fashion time bomb. This is going to be a thing at some point.
There are plenty of human cultures that have had funerary ritual cannibalism, particularly in Oceania. Turns out it’s not so great with regards to prionic diseases, but I don’t even know if rats get those.
You know, you could make a fantastic Three Stooges short out of that.
Dude, I’m sure that’s like touring the sausage factory. She probably never wanted to eat a dessert again after that.
It’s a horrifying concept for me, and an alien enough one that I don’t feel qualified to comment on it.
That’s absolutely fair, and that’s how I grew up doing it, but frankly I see a future coming where there are no paper schedules. You’re right that it’s better to have them in your head and not just trust the computer blindly, but I don’t know how you learn them the first time around without the Internet if you’re a…
Meanwhile, I got raised with “moderation” and had some serious medical wakeup calls earlier in my twenties. If I’d had different food growing up, I’d be a lot less sick now. The hardline stance has definitely grown on me.
I’m with her except for the dairy. As a Midwesterner, I don’t know how I’d survive. Those kids must have perpetual heartburn.
Finding bus routes is a big deal, though, at least once they’re teens or near-teens. Having them be able to do that for themselves is going to be liberating for them and for you, you won’t have to drive all over the place quite so much. I probably could have really used that starting at around 10 or 11. I’m…
What does macrobiotic even mean here? Isn’t that, like, most living things that aren’t a bacterial culture or something?
EDIT: Just a cameo? At least it’s something.
I want to see him in his own damn SW movie, not just as a side note to these kids.
Those are Republicans, though. Our Congress makes the Sith look like lightweights in terms of villainy.
It works for the character, though!
Looking forward to being trolled about this by foreign soccer fans at the Olympics next year. If the Yuropoors and sudacas let this slide I’ll almost be disappointed.