“college senior” is incredibly generous
“college senior” is incredibly generous
You can learn a lot about a person through their crafts and projects. If MGS5 and Death Stranding are the most recent indicators: Kojima can be a celebrity-chasing creep, overthinks sociological/philosophical messaging in his storytelling, and a tad insecure, with his writing feeling like something a College senior…
You can learn a lot about a person through their crafts and projects. If MGS5 and Death Stranding are the most recent indicators: Kojima can be a celebrity-chasing creep, overthinks sociological/philosophical messaging in his storytelling, and a tad insecure, with his writing feeling like something a College senior…
Well, the chinese concept of alchemy has wood and metal, and no air (wind and wood are often conflated, for some reason). The Archaic greeks had a fifth element for natural life force, and some Medieval occultists made a distinction between air (any gas you can sniff or put in a bottle) and aether (the magical…
It is an annoying persistent myth, particularly considering even 30 seconds of research about what happens when you put an unprotected person into space would clear that up.
“Nintendo should be doing everything in its power to convince Studio Ghibli to make a Zelda movie.”
Well I pray if they gave him the time he needs it would be more the direction/artistic style of The Lord of the Rings and not The Hobbit. From what I understand The Hobbit trilogy took a heavy mental and physical health toll on Jackson since he took over the directorial reigns weeks before filming began. Often times…
Nah, it was a fun movie.
Considering the general output for kids entertainment, yeah it was good.
I think people are torn between really wanting Zelda’s story to be faithful and translate all of its epic scale and knowing, deep down inside, that Zelda has a very dumb story that, if told faithfully, will be very dumb.
Everyone is freaking out for bad reasons imo because we’ve known for a while that Nintendo had an *iron grip* on the Mario movie process. Nothing went in that film that Nintendo didn’t want to be in there.
Illumination isn’t a Pixar or even Dreamworks. They don’t have those kinds of lofty aspirations with their own work…
This is it exactly and it’s insane more people don’t realize it. Illumination is perfectly fine taking orders from their client. All the “Illumination” touches in Mario (needle drops, etc.), were likely deemed fine by Nintendo because of the general tone they were aiming for (“Yeah, sure, go nuts guys, just animate it…
Just about any story can be bulleted, as you did, to a boring and simplified mess. Your ability to do that is not a sound counter to what was proposed.
SERIOUSLY. It’s ridiculous how much of a snooze the musical numbers in these remakes are. With all our modern technology, you’d think they’d know how to make things pop in a way they never could before.
As a professional video editor, the atrocious color grading on most of these shots makes my eye twitch. Why the hell do 3/4 of the shots from this movie look like the raw footage from a Black Magic camera, pre-color correction?
Games are toys. Sorry you don’t feel that way.
It seems pretty intuitive to me. Sony is only interested in making AAA games. PixelOpus doesn’t make AAA games and was therefore shut down.
Remember when people used to get hired to make movies, rather than being invited to join a universe?
buddy, BMI is a garbage metric
And moments later, someone makes my own point for me! Healthcare workers have the capacity to be the most generalizing, judgy people in the world who are incapable of seeing their patients as people.