
“...well-intentioned people...”

Do you need a million examples of how good intentions poorly executed do not measure up to their own intent?

It’s not enough to mean well if you don’t do well.

Bro, where I live in the midwest, the burbs have 3-1.5 on 2000 sq ft with an unfinished basement starting at $500k. You underestimate housing prices some places in the midwest. Particularly in any suburb with a decent school district.

Bud, I’m from California, and I have lived in the midwest.  No one in their right mind would willingly move to the midwest when they can afford to stay in California.

That’s more of a condemnation of America than it is of him.

Do they not want a progressive tax rate that taxes every dollar past some amount they deem “reasonable” higher than the first “X”?

A social democracy with a progressive tax structure funding the government to a level where universal healthcare and higher education are available doesn’t preclude someone from becoming wealthy and buying a Porsche. Sweden has like 40 billionaires.

He’s not hoarding it. He’s literally spending it on things (which means it’s taxed and circulates in the economy, unlike the foreign bank accounts that billionaires use to obscure their wealth) and people are getting mad at him.

What I’m saying is if he bought a 50k dollar car people would still be sore because he didn’t buy a 20k car which is conveniently what most Americans can afford. For the record he didn’t even buy this car outright, he leased it.

Does socialist mean communist now? He’s socially left but economically center-left. He believes in corporate taxation and regulation, but he doesn’t think the solution is bread lines and potato sack clothing.

Hed only be a hypocrite if he was advocating for everyone to give their excess money away voluntarily. He's advocating for higher taxes, if you don't understand the difference then this is kinda pointless.

Only as a result of a wildly unfair capitalist environment. The rich don’t get eaten in socialist democracies.

JFC, I’m defending his choice to purchase what he wants. He followers aren’t entitled to tell him what to do.

The Median income in the world is 7.5k a year. If we are going to draw arbitrary lines about what's excessive then it's easy to argue every single middle class American and European is living super excessively. People love to draw the arbitrary line of excess to be somewhere just above how they currently spend, how

Everybody who gave him that money chose to do so of their own accord. Piker doing super well off of being a Twitch streamer isn’t anywhere in the same league as the super-wealthy who should be taxed. He’s not abusing a system to keep the rewards other people’s labour flowing in, they’re choosing to hand over their

From what he makes and he’s very open about it, he isn’t even rich based on where he lives. He’s well off, but far from what would be considered rich. His house is one of the lower cost ones for it’s size in the area. He far from makes as much money as all the other top streamers. He rarely takes sponserships unless

Exactly.  The guy makes his money he can spend it.  The only thing that I would be unhappy about is if it came out that he was using tax loop holes to basically not pay taxes(or very little).  Avoiding paying your fair share of taxes is a really bad look for a rich socialist

No “modern online socialist” is demanding we pass legislation to make people give away 99% of their wealth.  Leave the hyperbole at the door, dude.  Socialists want equality and equity - a level playing field that ensures he mega-wealthy are paying their fair share (which they’re not) and that people who are not

I wonder how many of the self-described good leftists criticizing Piker for this are aware they’re doing exactly what the ruling class encourages: targeting each other instead of the folks who are actually creating problems.

Actually laughing out loud at this. 

Buying nice things doesn’t make you a capitalist. He didn’t invest in Porche stocks. He still works for a living.