
Uh yeah, but I’m not commenting on the actual mythology from thousands of years ago, I’m commenting on the game from 2005.

So… violent, immature, and borderline misogynistic.

What are the odd the company changes its name back to Facebook by this time next year?

‘This Game Has the Greatest Story Ever Told in Video Games’ Says Man Who’s Played Exactly One Video Game

I know envy makes fun of him, but still… I’m going to miss the little bastard….

“So you’re a god, huh? What are you the god of, exactly?”

To this day, art historians are still baffled. Who was this “Getty” and how did they manage to create so many images?

God, I hate award shows. I really do.

Apparently the theme for this years Game Awards is, “Wouldn’t it be so great if we weren’t video games?”

Oh, please…

Lot of people seem to have become experts in international black market arms dealings all of a sudden. 

Game Director: “Okay, we’ll take the muscle-head guy and the skinny chick.”

Go broke, blame woke.

Well, yeah. Because corporations are inherently predatory and will turn on people the second they get the chance. 

So in the end, it turns out the real zombies are…

Ahh, the sweet innocence of someone who never has, and most likely never will, face consequences for their actions.

Uncharted Gets Roller Coaster Based on Movie Based on Game Based on Roller Coasters.

Fucking ghouls. Fucking peices of shit. Every last one of them.