
Well, I grew up in the 16 bit era, though I was always a Nintendo kid rather than a Sega kid. But aside from the segment at the very beginning of the first one where baby Sonic was running through loop de loops on a bunch of checkerboard textured islands, most of the movie just felt like any other generic, “CGI

Oh yeah, you never want to take the Lincoln Warp Pipe at that time of day.

I have to admit, I’m loving that, regardless of anything else, this actually feels like a “Mario movie” as apposed to a movie that just happens to have Mario in it. Which was a problem that both Sonic movies suffered from, among other issues. They were movies, and Sonic was in them, but they weren’t really “Sonic

Yes, but that’s precisely why they like it so much. So that when things go wrong, as they inevitably do, they can all blame it on the calculations instead of themselves. 

I might be more interested if it involved actual shrinking.

If Smash Bros was just a regular fighting game with original characters you might have a point, but it’s not. It’s a crossover fighter. The draw for the vast majority of gamers, from casuals to hardcores, is getting to beat up Sora as Diddy Kong, not whatever’s happening on the tournament scene. Especially since

10 bucks says those cans are full of his own piss. 

They’re Italian, how are they not Roman Catholic?

Given the recent failure of Lightyear and the fact that this movie has almost the exact same premise, it’s likely Disney lost all faith in Strange World a while ago and dismissed it as a write-off, considering they did almost no marketing for it.

It’s because A Bug’s Life is the only non-original story Pixar has ever done. It’s an adaption of The Seven Samurai and is not subtle about it.

I’m not sure how the fetishization of the police force in the media doesn’t fall under the umbrella of racism, late stage capitalism, or military spending. 

I mean, it’s not, but that’s the kinda of talking point that republicans, conservatives, and other regressive types love to perpetuate because it stifles debate about issues and topics that they don’t want to talk about because it makes them uncomfortable.

Probably because Disco Elysium actually has something to say about law enforcement and how it affects both the individuals and the communities it purports to serve instead of just using law enforcement esthetics for cheap cosplay.

Well, that’s not something you wanna hear after having just bought an Xbox….

So in other words, the guy hasn’t updated his act in 20 years. Yeah… I’m gonna pass.

Ah, I see Video Games have finally entered the Middle Ages, where all these developers in their 40s and 50s are now making games about haunted men regretting the decisions they made in their 20s and 30s....

He slithered his way out of various tubes attached to colonization beneficiaries.

No, wait, changed my mind. Give em’ back. 

I thought Disney said they were going to stop announcing these things until they were actually going to happen.

All fans want from their Pokémon evolutions are the exact same basic designs just slightly bigger, and GameFreak-