Giant monsters that attack cities don’t exist, so I have no idea what methods would be sensible in dealing with them in this entirety imaginary scenario.
Giant monsters that attack cities don’t exist, so I have no idea what methods would be sensible in dealing with them in this entirety imaginary scenario.
TMNT, Power Rangers, and Pokémon also didn’t try to teach children about nonviolent conflict resolution, so those shows saw comparatively less backlash than Barney did.
All of that is true, but also none of that is unique or exclusive to the show.
In all of my life, I don’t think I’ve ever seen public hatred of a fictional character worse than that of Barney. Not even the hate of Jar Jar Binks reached the levels of sheer loathing that was lobbed at Barney at its height.
“Well, you all can call me Shorty!”
“We should bring back Lou Albano. Kids are gonna wanna hear the original voice of Mario!”
As long as it ends with a crazy celebrity fistfight against Lizzy Borden.
Yeah, ever since Netflix lost the rights to the actual Marvel stuff, they’ve been desperate for anything they can use the “Marvel approach" on.
They are literally not in bikinis. That’s the problem.
Said Ripply to the android Bishop…
It might not be Lechonk. It could be Tepig, or Pignite, or Emboar. Or maybe it’s Swinub, or Piloswine. It could even be Spoink or Grumpig.
Why do they have four eyes??? Is it a reference to something? Is it a meme? I’m ordering from Wendy’s until whatever the hell this is blows over.
Wha? I could have sworn he pulled out a knife and made a b-line for the kid until Dr. Who stepped in front of him.
She’s stepping down to spend more time justifying the torture of her children.
No, owning 200 slaves is “vulgar” my dood.
It’s Like Next-Gen Monster Hunter,
Well, we already got these guys, so I guess this new one makes sense….
My point was that we already had both so this one seems kinda pointless.