Lemon Merangutan

@grace darling: vomit colored carpet, peeling wallpaper and ugly wood panelling are easy fixes, though. Even just painting wood panelling makes it a vast improvement. I'm trying to be encouraging, not to tell you stuff I'm sure you already know, so I hope I don't come off that way. My point is, if you get a good

@blameitonrio is a judgmental, privileged, entitled asshole: Archives, if your family has lived more or less in one place. It's hard work doing geneology, but sometimes you find that a relative has already done most of the research on your family tree and it might be on file at your local archive. Otherwise, you'll

Elastic waistbands are hell. When I worked at Tim Hortons I removed the elastic from the pants, because otherwise there'd be a red welt by the end of my shift. My manager told me not to do it, but since they made me pay for my uniform out of my wages, I figured I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

My mother in law is somebody's trophy girlfriend. She's 50 and he's 75 or so.

@Slikiez: I had a roomate who never bathed in the semester that we shared a dorm room. She attracted a fly infestation and after I moved out literally all my stuff had absorbed her armpit, spoiled fruit and rotting blood smell, even plastic things. She also once got mad at me and moved into the common room for a few

@moonbird: True. In my defense though, I did also base my assumption on a Savage Love column where Dan rebutted New Hampshire state rep Nancy Elliott's assertation that

@rubysecret: "Pimping" ones pad, would literally translate to allowing people (in this case "the ladies") to have sex with it in exchange for money. So the headline alledges that there are "ladies" sexing the "pad" itself, and that Radcliffe is merely collecting the profits, much like "Pimp My Ride" implied that one's

@LuckyDice: the women in homemade porn usually look uncomfortable or bored most of the time (although I did see one where an orange woman was angrily masturbating after shoving a fistful of thongs into her vagina for some unfathomable reason... so...), and I noticed the women in alot of foreign porn were crying,

So... Fleet enemas don't come into it?

Wasn't the pregnancy terminated by Edyta's death? If the Polish government puts a higher value on the life of the hypothetical-baby than on the actual woman carrying said hypothetical-baby then can't the family sue since the death of that hypothetical-baby was most certainly caused by the death of the actual woman,

You know what I like about Canada? We don't publish the names or faces of rape victims. It's a good policy, because if the media had not known this victim's name, they would not have been able to harass her. I think that may be the only thing I like about the Canadian justice system.

@phoblog: Until you're flat broke, 8 1/2 months pregnant living off hotdogs for every meal because they're buy one get three, alot of people don't realize how very little you need to get by.

@thePrototype: an ex-boyfriend had a lower sex drive than me, and the sex we had 2-3 times a week was enough for him not to need/want to jerk off during our relationship, so I buy the 16 percent figure, as long as that 16 percent is getting off with a partner or partners.

@laurasaurus: also, not really accurate to how things are done in my neck of the woods at least

Try to talk to him about something work related first. Smile when you see him. Maybe drop by his desk when it's your turn to do a coffee run and see if he wants anything.

@vision-o-johanna: I want a Hogwarts Sim game, but I don't think it exists.

@drinktobones: Some of us have really stupid accents, so maybe that? ("mouth" is not pronounced "malth", Alberta) Although, Americans have some pretty dumb accents too ( "roof" is not pronounced "ruff", wherever Tim Allen is from) so, you'd think we'd catch a break.

@Queenjulie: I had a septic tank growing up, and I always had express instructions always to flush tampons. We weren't allowed to flush toilet paper though. If I'm visiting my parents, and there's an argument my dad will yell at me for flushing TP to this day. Weird, I know, but the only thing that ever caused clogs

@hfree: If sex is possible through fishnets, hors d'oeuvres eating must be possible too. She'd probably end up with a stretched out area around her mouth though.