Lemon Merangutan

Here's one not covered: What does one purchase one's politically conservative, socially liberal, materialistic, overly sentimental, asshole Brother-In-Law for christmas, when one has an incredibly small budget? (I somewhat hate my brother in law most of the time, but If my husband handles shopping for this he will

@Azraelle: Well, then I suppose the only thing to do then, is not make yourself sound like a childless person responding in anticipation of future children's outbursts with indignance. Because that's how I read your initial statement, and that's how I responded. Thank you very much.

@heatherdazy: she's thinking it will make them less scared when they grow up , and more prepared for thier own future hypothetical childbirths. Just like when I take my toddler to the bathroom with me, I explain to her exactly what I'm doing with the tampon, because I want her to know that her future hypothetical

@Azraelle: Your babies are going to start hitting and scratching in infancy, just so you know. There's pretty much nothing you can do, other than exclaim loudly, put the kid down right away, make a sad face and hope something sinks in. What else are you going to do? Smack a baby?

@Leucadia: if one property has multiple addresses, like in an apartment complex or trailer park as long as each wife has a different unit or apartment number to claim then from a legal standpoint her husband is just her landlord, which poses no conflict when receiving welfare.

Can the Bullock/Reynolds project please NOT be a rom-com? Please. I feel so bad about hating Sandra Bullock, and I just want her to redeem herself by making a movie that doesn't make me weep or cringe. Maybe a dark comedy where they're siblings and can't be romantically involved...

I look a lot like my dad, and we aren't touchy-feely so it hasn`t been a problem for me, BUT : my mother is convinced when my daughter and I go out with her and my Dad, that people will think we're polygamists and that I'm the "new wife". (my daughter looks even more like my dad than I do, and she calls everyone but

@skahammer: Oh how I love Dan Savage... He's made me the somewhat less judgemental cunt that I am today.

@girlzilla: I don't think that not being "an expert" invalidates her point.

@RousseMacabre, from Ravenclaw: I'm thinking he meant to say "regurgitate" rather than "retain", but that he doesn't know that's what he meant.

@Paesan Y'all: My nephew's parents like to cite his love of cars and motorcycles as "a boy thing!" while completely ignoring my daughter's love for the same things. My Father in Law bought her a toy purse that sings a song about putting lipstick on before you leave the house, which she also loves.

@doodly: When I was a little girl, my favorite color was pink, because every other girl in my class's favorite color was blue. I infact developed an irrational hatred for the color blue, based on it's overratedness. It took me a long time to make peace with the color blue.

I hadn't noticed before, because of the stupid hair, but Pauly D is actually pretty cute... Makover Success!

@LaComtesse: My mother taught me, as part of her "birth control never fails, so abortion is always wrong" lecture that "rapists are usually incapable of ejaculating so pregnancy by rape is incredibly rare"

@Sukie: Sea Gangster: Yay, you! My mother thinks I'm nuts because I've mentioned how I could probably handle being a surrogate for an agency. I said this while pregnant, and I still beleive I have the right mindset.

@Lynx: Oh no! Did someone have sex with that? How very sad.

I've had the worst weekend ever.

Dear Patti Stranger,